“Let us make peace”: a new course in missionary formation
A formation course organised by the Office for Missionary Cooperation of the diocese of Rome begins on 18 January: Andrea Riccardi will be the protagonist of the first appointment, on Saturday at 9.00 in the Aula della Conciliazione of the Lateran Palace
“We are experiencing a season of history in which wars and the consequent arms race are reaching peak levels. We must recognize, certainly without giving in to pessimism, that there is an evident regression of consciences, exacerbated out of all proportion by the mass media circuit. The ancient Roman maxim, “Si vis pacem para bellum”, is unfortunately still professed today unscrupulously in discussions on the airwaves, in the political arena and in vast sectors of public opinion. In the meantime, the arms industry is the only one, in times of crisis, to undergo no form of recession. It is necessary, therefore, in the light of the courageous admonishments of Pope Francis’ magisterium, to confront the theme of the arms race and the devastating effects of wars – first and foremost the inequalities that lead to social exclusion – by playing the card of awareness. It is the Gospel that requires this and the missionary sphere, engaged in the geographical and existential peripheries of the world, that cries out for it.
This bitter yet lucid reflection by Father GIULIO ALBANESE is the starting point for the new missionary formation course, promoted by the diocesan Missionary Centre for 2025. “Let us make peace. Humanity on the path to brotherhood” will indeed be the theme of the free formative path, divided into 6 meetings held monthly, from January to June, designed in particular for missionary animators, catechists, religion teachers and pastoral workers. “Making peace”, the director of the diocese's missionary centre continues, “is a shared commitment that demands a decisive assumption of responsibility. To the sceptics, it may seem utopian, but this is a terrain where evangelical prophecy is required. That indicated by the unforgettable Don TONINO BELLO: ‘Si vis pacem, para pacem!”.
The first meeting of the course is set for 18 January with ANDREA RICCARDI, historian and founder of the Sant’Egidio Community, who will speak on “The missionary prophecy of peace in times of war”. On 22 February, the protagonist will instead be FABRIZIO BATTISTELLI, president of the Institute of International Research Disarmament Archive (Istituto di Ricerche Internazionali Archivio Disarmo, IRIAD), who will speak about “The arms business in the current international situation: a threat to peace”. On 15 March, MARCO MASSONI, lecturer at Luiss “Guido Carli” in the Faculty of Political Sciences, will reflect on “The effects of neocolonialism on peace in the peripheries of the world”, while on 12 April, MARIA GRAZIA GALANTINO, coordinator of the research area of the Disarmament Archive, will discuss “How to be peace-builders. Civil commitment in countering the memory of weapons”. On 17 May, the journalist LUCIA BELLASPIGA will talk about “War and peace in international journalistic information”. The conclusions will be drawn on 21 June, with Brother Alberto Parise, who will give the final report and lead the workshops.
All meetings will be held from 9.00 to 12.30 in the Aula della Conciliazione of the Lateran Palace (Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano 6). For registration - free of charge - and further information:; 06.69886443.
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8 January 2024
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