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New communication from Saint Peter’s Basilica for an increasingly inclusive Church, in dialogue with the world

VATICAN, 25 NOVEMBER – Saint Peter’s Basilica is about to embark on a new path of communication, focusing on innovation in the digital era, for an increasingly inclusive Church in dialogue with the contemporary world. Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, archpriest of the Basilica and president of the Fabric of Saint Peter, and Father Enzo Fortunato, communications director of Saint Peter’s Basilica, have presented the strategy in five actions.

The dedicated font, conceived to celebrate the beauty of Saint Peter’s Basilica and the religious, history, artistic and cultural heritage it represents. Developed by the Studiogusto team as a tool for communication, the font will become a distinctive sign of the Basilica, strengthening the role that this physical and spiritual place holds as the custodian of a centuries-long tradition and as a promoter of innovation.

The official launch, to take place in 2025, will reveal a specially developed typography, intended to accompany every form of communication from the Basilica, in the service of dialogue between the past and the future, between classicism and modernity. Optimized to guarantee clear legibility on paper and digital supports, the font will also be used on the Basilica website, which will have renewed graphics and a contemporary and sustainable design, like the new paper-format journal.

Piazza San Pietro”, whose name was chosen by Pope Francis (from a selection of proposals), will offer prominent editorials on Church and World issues. The monthly magazine will cover current topics, with a special focus on social problems such as poverty, immigration, violence and the challenges faced by families and the excluded. Pope Francis will respond personally to readers, a letter for each issue, reconfirming his willingness to listen and dialogue.

The logo of the journal, designed by the architect Marco Capasso, is the fruit of a horizontal sign that alludes to sharing – the square, the agora, and the architectural model that embraces it, become an evocative sign. Bernini’s colonnade represents the embrace with the community and the columns of the text of the journal “Piazza San Pietro” constitute a new cultural dimension ready to take on the challenges of contemporary life. The journal will be available at the Official Area of Saint Peter’s Basilica or inside the Basilica itself, or by postal subscription. Agreements are underway for the distribution of the magazine in schools and in the waiting rooms of railway stations and airports. People who wish to receive the monthly magazine and do not have the possibility to purchase it, will receive it free of charge.

Presence on the social networks. The Basilica will use the social networks to share love for this sacred place, and to offer useful information on the upcoming Jubilee. The language and strategies adopted on the social media will be used to create significant connections between the Basilica and Christians all over the world. A door that is always open.

A webcam, installed above the tomb of Saint Peter, will enable a virtual gathering of the faithful from all over the world, who will be able to send their prayers. The device will be inaugurated on 2 December by Pope Francis (18.30). Another webcam will instead be installed on the Holy Door, to enable those who cannot make the “holy journey” to cross it symbolically.

A multi-functional room inside the Fabric of Saint Peter will permit the reception of journalists and information staff for meetings and briefings.



Letter to Pope Francis in the journal “Piazza San Pietro”

Holy Father,

I am a grandmother of three grandchildren. Their arrival was a great gift that has brought great joy to us grandparents and to our two daughters. The youngest granddaughter, aged five, very affectionate and lively, has not been baptized because her parents, who were married under civil law, drifted away from the Lord during their teenage years. To this day, the desire to seek Him and make Him present in their lives is not present in them.

This is a source of great suffering for me, because I know how important it is to have the Lord by our side, to pray to Him, to listen to Him and to receive His love.

I imagine my granddaughter without this great gift, without the Sacrament of Baptism, she who is so curious to know the history of Jesus with so many questions.

What will Jesus think of all this? I will continue to pray that He help us open her parents’ heart, and that He may accompany my granddaughter in the trials of life, and be her friend and travelling companion.

I turn to you, Holy Father, for comfort and advice, trusting that the Lord will show us the right path to follow to help our granddaughter.

In faith, Oliva from Bergamo


Answer of the Holy Father

Dear Oliva,

I understand your suffering and I am close to you. Baptism is a great gift that we can give to the youngest, because it is the first of the Sacraments, it is the door that enables Christ the Lord and the Holy Spirit to inhabit, to dwell in our person. I myself have baptized many children over the years, at Saint Peter’s, in hospitals, and it is always a great joy.

If her parents have drifted away from faith, you must not lose hope. Prayer can do a great deal. Pray with more faith. Think of Saint Monica and her incessant prayers for the conversion of her son Augustine, who went on to become a bishop and saint. With prayer, love with the hope of the resurrection. Authentic and selfless love creates strong bonds, which can be surprising.

Some may think: but why baptize a child who does not understand? When they are adults, they will be the ones to decide.

I have already answered this question, but gladly do so again. It gives me the opportunity to invite parents to give something extraordinary to their children, something beautiful, good: to feel they are children of God, that He is the Father who will always accompany us in life. Do not think too much about worldly celebrations, because this is one of the reasons that at times lead many to stray from the faith. Live this expectation in the parish, with others. Live it in simplicity.

Baptizing a child means trusting in the Lord, in the Holy Spirit, because when we baptize a child, the Holy Spirit enters that child, and the Holy Spirit causes to grow in the child the Christian virtues that will then flourish.

But Baptism cannot however be imposed upon parents who do not want it for their children. You grandparents, however, by your example, can open many hearts that seem closed. Continue the dialogue always, I recommend always with hope, meekness and love. Accompany your children, speak with them, but without insisting on the proposal of Baptism. Freely-given love is more persuasive than a lot of words. God’s love sows future, friendship, the search for Him, and we do not know how long it will take. Prayer will certainly help you. You will see.

Take courage, go forward together, and do not forget to pray for me.

