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Jubilee, volunteers for reception service for pilgrims with the Romea Strata project

The pilgrims’ “last mile” is completely reorganized, with the recovery of a disused railway section and a dedicated permanent reception at the entrance at Saint Peter’s


VATICAN, 18 NOVEMBER – Thanks to the agreement between the Fabric of Saint Peter and the Homo Viator – San Teobaldo Foundation of the diocese of Vicenza, since last May a permanent volunteer service has been active at Saint Peter’s for the reception and accompaniment of travellers along their journey, up to their destination: Saint Peter’s Basilica.

Romea Strata (this is the name of the initiative and of the journey of the same name) unites tradition, spirituality and hospitality. In addition to the reserved route in Saint Peter's Square to avoid the queues of tourists at the daily Pilgrim's Mass, all travellers are provided with the digitalization and systematization of the collection of their arrival data (as already happens in Assisi or Santiago) and the recognition of the Testimonium certificate, a precious parchment with the icons of Saints Peter and Paul, given to all pilgrims, regardless of the distance they have travelled, provided it is no less than one hundred kilometres.

In the mornings and afternoons, trained volunteers welcome pilgrims arriving on foot and by bicycle at the post set up in the square at the “varco oranti”. But also on horseback…

Alberto Castello de Pereda, “pilgrim for peace” (as he describes himself) is Spanish, and arrived in Rome on foot in recent days directly from Jerusalem, at the end of a long and hard journey, made even more perilous by the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Last May, a couple from Pisa arrived in Saint Peter’s Square on horseback, not to mention the pilgrims who arrive by bicycle. From June to October 2024, 3700 Testimonium certificates were issued by the Basilica reception staff.

The Jubilee 2025 represents an extraordinary opportunity for spiritual renewal and encounter. Today, as in centuries past, the pilgrim experiences in their life the journey with God, the desire to grow in their faith and to reach their destination with heartfelt prayer. And one of the defining experiences of this jubilee year is without doubt represented by the active voluntary service for the reception in Rome of pilgrims from all over the world.

Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, archpriest of Saint Peter’s Basilica and president of the Fabric of Saint Peter, states: “We are pleased that the Homo Viator – San Teobaldo Foundation is helping us in the reception of pilgrims who, from various parts of the world, arrive at the tomb of the Apostle Peter. This attention and closeness enable them to feel more welcome in this unique place, dear to all the faithful of the world. In this way, it is possible to promote contemplation, the moment of interiority that is created during the silence of the long journey of faith”.

“The agreement with the Fabric of Saint Peter is a cause for great satisfaction. Ours is the only path that has been able to organize a permanent volunteer service for pilgrims at their destination. Our mission is to make the arrival in Rome a moment of great spiritual significance” explains Don Raimondo Sinibaldi of the Homo Viator – San Teobaldo Foundation.


A significant novelty concerns the change to the last stretch that abandons the Via Trionfale in favour of a new, simpler, safer and more pleasant way, approaching the Basilica from an unexpected perspective and making the entrance to Rome simpler and safer. The new route, which leads pilgrims directly to Saint Peter’s, offers an incomparable view of the city.

“This new entrance will not only improve safety, but will also provide a unique experience, allowing the spirituality that characterizes our journey towards the new Jerusalem to be lived intensely. I therefore thank the key people involved in this work, from the partners Amodo and GreenWays to the RFI and Roma Capitale institutions”, adds Don Raimondo Sinibaldi.

RFI (Rete Ferroviaria Italiana, the Italian rail system) and Roma Capitale are renovating a disused stretch of railtrack and also the Monte Ciocci tunnel, which has been closed for around ten years, enhancing the landscape and creating a favourable atmosphere for the arrival at Saint Peter’s.

The presentation of the new Romea Strata guide will shortly be announced, in collaboration with the Terre di mezzo publishing house. It will offer a detailed description of over one thousand kilometres of the route, highlighting not only the historical connotation, but also the points of sociocultural and natural interest along the way. The guide will be a fundamental tool for all those who wish to undertake this journey, offering narrative and practical details from the starting point in Tarvisio to Rome.

