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On Sunday 17 November 2024, the eighth edition of the World Day of the Poor will be held. The initiative, proposed for the first time in 2017, was strongly desired by Pope Francis to encourage the Church to “go out” from its own walls in order to encounter poverty in the multiple forms in which it manifests itself in today’s world.

This year, in view of the beginning of the Ordinary Jubilee 2025, the Holy Father has chosen as the motto the passage from the Book of Sirach: “The prayer of the poor rises up to God” (cf. Sir 21:5). This expression, which comes from the ancient religious author Ben Sira, becomes immediate and easily understood. The Pope reiterates that the poor have a special place in the heart of God, who is attentive and close to each one of them. God listens to the prayer of the poor and, faced with suffering, becomes “impatient” until He has rendered justice to them. Indeed, as the Book of Sirach again attests, “justice is quickly granted them” (21:5).

As is customary, Pope Francis will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration in Saint Peter’s Basilica at 10.00. Before the Holy Mass, symbolically the Holy Father will bless thirteen keys, representing the thirteen countries where the Famvin Homeless Alliance (FHA), of the Vincentian Family, with the “13 Houses” Jubilee Project, will build new dwellings for disadvantaged people. Among these countries there is also Syria, whose thirteen houses will be financed directly by the Holy See as a gesture of charity for the Holy Year. This great act of solidarity has been made possible thanks to the generous donation from UnipolSai, which enthusiastically wished to contribute in view of the Holy Year to this sign of hope for a land that remains tormented as a result of the war. Then, in the Paul VI Hall, the Holy Father will lunch together with 1,300 poor people. The lunch, organized by the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, will be offered this year by the Italian Red Cross, and will be enlivened by their National Fanfare. At the end of the lunch, each person will be given a backpack offered by the Vincentian Fathers (Congregation of the Mission), containing food and personal hygiene products.

The Mother of Mercy Outpatient Clinic, a structure linked to the Dicastery for the Service of Charity, which offers daily free health care to the poor and needy, during the week of November 11 to 16 will be open non-stop from 8.00 to 17.00. A doctor's on-call service, internal medicine and flu vaccinations, blood tests, swabs and dressings will be carried out every day. All services are free of charge and reserved for those living in situations of poverty, marginalization or hardship; the necessary medicines and therapies will also always be guaranteed. Specialist doctors from eighteen different specialities will be present. The specialist examinations offered during the week will include: cardiology, orthopaedics, ophthalmology, general surgery, rheumatology, dermatology, dentistry, gynaecology, pneumology, otorhinolaryngology, oncology, ultrasound, urology, psychiatry, neurology, infectious diseases, gastroenterology, nephrology, and podiatry.

The Dicastery for Evangelization will provide for the needs of the most disadvantaged with several charitable initiatives including, for example, the payment of utilities for the poorest families through contacts with the parishes, an initiative made possible by the traditional generosity of UnipolSai. During the week preceding the Day, all the parish and diocesan communities will be called to place attention to the needs of the poor of their neighbourhood at the centre of their pastoral activities through concrete signs.

In keeping with tradition, the Dicastery for Evangelization has prepared a Pastoral Handbook, translated into six languages, which will be offered to the people of God so that, in the words of Archbishop Rino Fisichella, “the World Day can represent a permanent provocation for our communities to be attentive and welcoming towards those who find themselves in the most need and difficulty”. He continues, “May our attention to those most in need make us all Pilgrims of Hope in a world that needs to be illuminated by the presence of the Light of the Risen One and the torch of charity that He has lit in our hearts”. This Pastoral Handbook for the preparation of the World Day is available free of charge at http://www.evangelizatio.va/content/pcpne/en/attivita/gmdp/2024/sussidio.html.

In his Message, Pope Francis invites everyone to learn how to pray for the poor and to pray together with them, with humility and confidence. The World Day of the Poor is an opportunity to become aware of the presence of the poor in our cities and communities, and to understand their needs. As always, the Pope also mentions the “new poor”, who arise from the violence of war, from “misguided policies involving weapons” (no. 4), which claim many innocent victims.

Let us not forget, however, the volunteers who in our cities continue to dedicate a large part of their own time to listening to and supporting the poor. They are real faces who, by their example, “give voice to God’s response to the prayer of those who turn to Him” (no. 7). World Day of the Poor is also an opportunity to remember every one of them and to thank the Lord.

Pope Francis’ Message for World Day of the Poor 2024 is available on the official site, in various languages, at: http://www.evangelizatio.va/content/pcpne/en/attivita/gmdp/2024/messaggio-SantoPadre.html.

From Wednesday 13 November, those who wish to participate in the Holy Mass may collect their free tickets, subject to availability, at the Jubilee Official Info Point, at Via della Conciliazione 7,
