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16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops

Second Session

(2 to 27 October 2024)


Notice from the Secretary General of the Synod

His Eminence Cardinal Mario Grech

2 October 2024


The work of the ten Study Groups – established at the behest of the Holy Father to study in depth the theological questions present in the Synthesis Report of the First Session of the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops – is not separate from the synodal journey, and above all to the synodal style that we as a Church are trying to assume.

The Holy Father asks us to do so when he recommends that such groups “work according to an authentically synodal method” (Letter to the Secretary General of the Synod, 22 February 2024).

This means that, within them, such groups are required to promote the effective participation of all the members, and that they are also called to remain open to broader participation, that of the entire People of God.

For this reason, during the time in which the ten Groups will be operative – and with them also the Canon Law Commission – namely, until the month of June 2025, it will be possible for everyone to send in contributions, observations, and proposals. Pastors and Church leaders, but also and above all every believer, man or woman, and every group, association, movement or community will be able to participate with their own contribution.

The General Secretariat of the Synod, which the Holy Father has asked to be the guarantor of the synodal working method of these Groups, will be responsible for gathering the material sent to it, transmitting it from time to time to the Group or Groups concerned.