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Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

Generators of hope: the Catholic University on the move with young people in the light of the Jubilee

In Rome from 9 to 12 September the seminar that brings together annually the University’s theology lecturers and pastoral assistants. Concluding the four days of dialogue between the President of the Italian Episcopal Conference, Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, and the Rector of the Catholic University, Professor Elena Beccalli


Rome, 4 September 2024 – “In addition to finding hope in God’s grace, we are also called to discover hope in the signs of the times that the Lord gives us”: Pope Francis’ words in “Spes non confundit”, the Bull of Indiction of the Jubilee, will inspire the four-day seminar that brings together annually the theology lecturers and pastoral assistants of all the campuses of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, entitled “Generators of hope. On the move with young people in the light of the Jubilee”.

The study days, organized by the University’s Pastoral Centre in collaboration with the national Office for Education, Schools and Universities of the Italian Episcopal Conference and with the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of Higher Education, will be held from Monday 9 to Thursday 12 September at the Rome campus of the Catholic University, with the opening event at the Isola Tiberina-Gemelli Isola Hospital. Both the opening and closing sessions will be open to the public and the participation of those interested.

On Monday 9 September at 16.00, in the Great Hall of the Isola Tiberina-Gemelli Isola Hospital, after the institutional greetings from Professor Elena Beccalli, rector of the Catholic University, and Dr. Paolo Nusiner, director general of the University and president of the Isola Tiberina-Gemelli Isola Hospital, and the reading of a message from Archbishop Mario Delpini of Milan and president of the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of Higher Education, Bishop Claudio Giuliodori, general ecclesiastical assistant of the University and president of the Episcopal Commission for Catholic Education, Schools and Universities, will introduce the study days.


Press Office Nicola Cerbino (335 7125703), Federica Mancinelli (338 6727968) Email: ufficio.stampa-rm@unicatt.it
Tel. 06 30154442 – 06 30154295
Website: www.cattolicanews.it

Social media: @unicatt


This will be followed by the round table discussion entitled “Signs of the times, signs of hope: cultural and educational challenges”, moderated by Dr. Vincenzo Morgante, director of TV2000 and member of the Steering Committee of the Giuseppe Toniolo Institute of Higher Education, with interventions from His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro, prefect of the Dicastery for the Causes of Saints, Professor Adriano Fabris of the University of Pisa, president of the National Philosophy Council, and Professor Antonella Sciarrone Alibrandi, judge of the Constitutional Court. At the end of the day there will be a Eucharistic celebration presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Marcello Semeraro.

On Tuesday 10 September, from 9.00, in the Rome campus of the Catholic University, there will be a session dedicated to the philosophical, anthropological, and theological resonance of hope, inspired by Canto XXV of Dante’s Paradiso, introduced and moderated by Antonio Ferrentino, lecturer in theology at the Catholic University, with interventions from Professors Silvano Petrosino, lecturer in theoretical philosophy, and Daniele Bruzzone, lecturer in general and social pedagogy, and the theology lecturers Laura Invernizzi, Annamaria Borghi and Francesca Peruzzotti, of the same Catholic University. In the afternoon there will be gatherings, didactic exchanges and meetings of the working groups for teachers and pastoral assistants introduced and coordinated by the theology lecturers Raffaele Maiolini, Stefano Alberto, Bernardino Pessani, Lorenzo Mancini and Roberto Maier.

At 19.00 there will be a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, pro-prefect of the Section for Fundamental Questions regarding Evangelization in the World, in the “Saint John Paul II” Chapel (Hall of Gemelli University Hospital).

On Wednesday 11 September, at 9.00, the meeting “Cultural, ethical and didactic aspects regarding anthropological and ethical questions in the light of ‘Dignitas infinita’”, moderated by Paolo Bonini, lecturer in theology, with interventions by the theology lecturers Gianluca Zuccaro and Pier Davide Guenzi, Professor Gabriele Sani, lecturer in psychiatry at the Catholic University, and Professor Maria Luisa di Pietro, lecturer in legal medicine and bioethics, and vice-president of the National Bioethics Committee.


Press Office – Rome Campus Nicola Cerbino (335 7125703), Federica Mancinelli (338 6727968) Email: ufficio.stampa-rm@unicatt.it
Tel. 06 30154442 – 06 30154295
Website: www.cattolicanews.it

Social media: @unicatt


At 12.00 there will be a report from Professor Raffaella Iafrate, lecturer in psychology and delegate of the Rector for Equal Opportunities within the University, on “University guidelines on equal opportunities, inclusive languages and gender issues”.

At 17.00 there will be a meeting on the Synodal Path of the Catholic University, with interventions from Giuseppina Di Simone, lecturer in theology t the Pontifical Theological Faculty of Southern Italy and member of the Assembly of the Synod of Bishops and the presidency of the Synodal Path in Italy, and from Enzo Viscardi and Antonio Bomenuto, lecturers in theology and coordinators of the Synodal Path for the Milan and Rome campuses.

At 19.00 there will be a Eucharistic celebration presided over by His Eminence Cardinal Mario Grech, secretary general of the Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops in the Church of Sant’Egidio in Trastevere.

The concluding day, Thursday 12 September, will open at 9.00 with a dialogue entitled “For a university that generates hope” between His Eminence Cardinal Matteo Zuppi, archbishop of Bologna and president of the Italian Episcopal Conference, and Professor Elena Beccalli, rector of the Catholic University, introduced and moderated by Dr. Alessandro Zaccuri, the Universitys communication director.

At 10.00, there will be the three panels of the Laboratories of hope in the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, with the participation of Professor Antonio Gasbarrini, dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Professor Giovanni Scambia, lecturer in gynaeology and obstetrics, and scientific director of the IRCCS Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation, and the theology lecturers Alessandro Mantini and Luca Peyron (medical sciences, new technologies, solidarity and ethical challenges panel); Professor Sebastiano Nerozzi, lecturer in history of economic thought and secretary of the Committee for the Social Weeks, the theology lecturers Roberto Maier and Riccardo Bollati, and Dr. Antonio Campati, lecturer in political philosophy (democratic culture and sustainable citizenship panel; Professor Antonella Occhino, dean of the Faculty of Economics, and the theology lecturers Renzo Beghini, Mario Anolli and Luca De Santis (poverty, debt, finance and new economy panel).

At 12.30, Bishop Claudio Giuliodori will conclude the meetings of the study week.


Press Office – Rome Campus Nicola Cerbino (335 7125703), Federica Mancinelli (338 6727968) Email: ufficio.stampa-rm@unicatt.it
Tel. 06 30154442 – 06 30154295
Website: www.cattolicanews.it

Social media: @unicatt