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Women of Faith for Peace


30 August / 1 September

Montagnaga Piné Trentino Italy



“What peace in a world at war?”


Three days together with Women of Faith for Peace and the Shemà Association

At a time when tensions and conflicts, even full-blown wars, are rampant, it is necessary to revive the value of peace starting with women of different faiths. Women become here the repairers of broken networks, the sources for transmitting life, the promoters of reconciliation.

From 30 August to 1 September 2024, Casa Iride in Montagnaga, Trentino, will host a coexistence workshop on the theme of peace, to reawaken hope in women peacemakers in times of war, and to reflect in depth on the sense and meaning of peace. There will be meetings, moments of exchange, the synodal workshop “Peace calls us”, prayer and music.

Forty people from different generations will participate, with a special focus on and with young people. The international guests will include the speakers: Azza Karam, founder of Lead Integrity, member of the board of the Temple of Understanding and the Parliament of World Religions, the Royal Institute for Interfaith Studies in Amman, Jordan, and the UN Secretary General's Advisory Committee for Multilateralism; Caterina Costa, president of the International Centre for Peace Among Peoples in Assisi; Cristiane Murray, Brazilian journalist, deputy director of the Holy See Press Office; Daria Schlifstein, Jewish artist and filmmaker; Deana Walker Herrera, Cuban-American social impact project manager; Kamal Layachi, Imam in the Islamic Communities of Veneto; Lara Mattivi, psychologist, co-founder of the Shemà Association; Lia Beltrami, director, art director speaker, founder of Women of Faith for Peace and Religion Today Film Festival; Archbishop Luigi Bressan, at the diplomatic service of the Holy See in various nations and international institutions (UN and Europe) until 1999, then for 17 years archbishop of Trento and since 2016 chargé of the Italian Episcopal Conference, for pilgrimages and international voluntary work, author of books on inter-religious dialogue, history, international relations; Maria Lia Zervino, Argentinian, consecrated, consultant to the Dicastery for Inter-Religious Dialogue; Marianna Beltrami, writer, filmmaker and musician of Emotions to Generate Change, graduate of the Universities of Warwick and Oxford in international relations and environmental philosophy; Marina Khabarova, international cinema producer, dedicated to dialogue and the promotion of the values of peace; Natalia Soboleva, company director in Switzerland, active in the field of sustainability, president of Monaco Charity; Nancy Falcon, engaged in interreligious dialogue, peacebuilding and the formation of young people, graduate in political sciences specializing in philosophy and Islamic studies; and Nuha Farran, international and human rights lawyer in Jerusalem, co-founder of Women of Faith for Peace.

The event is organized by Women of Faith for Peace, the Shemà Association, Emotions to Generate Change, Lead Integrity, and the Assisi International Centre for Peace among Peoples, with the support of the Caritro Foundation.



Women of Faith for Peace exist to break down the walls of prejudice and to find new ways of building true dialogue in daily life, in conflict zones as well as in countries experiencing situations of tension and in every form of community fabric. The movement, founded fifteen years ago in Jerusalem, is open in five continents to spread an extraordinary experience of genuinely lived peace.




Shemà is a social promotion association based and operating on the Pinè Plateau in

Trento, composed of a group of young people accompanied by some adults. It offers a space for training and research that take concrete form in putting themselves at the service of the community and the most fragile. From this year the activities will take place in the former convent in Montagnaga di Pinè, Domus Marie, renamed ‘Casa IRIDE’, where ‘IRIDE’ stands for Identity, Reflection, Inclusion, Dialogue, Education.




Friday 30 August

20.30 Concert open to the public, “Un sorriso per la pace” (“A smile for peace”). With the Fuoritempo Orchestra and the “Signore delle Cime” Alpine Women’s Choir.


Saturday 31 August

Morning – Presentation of the seminar and the international guests

10            “Lasciami in Pace” (“Leave me in peace”) Workshop

15            “La pace ci chiama” (“Peace calls us”) Synodal Workshop

18            “Breath and forgiveness” Walk

21            “Segni di Pace” (“Signs of peace”) Interreligious Prayer


Sunday 1 September

8               Holy Mass  

9               “What peace do we serve?”

11            Peace Kitchen

12.30        Peace lunch

13.30        Institutional pause  

15-17        Buiolding “Houses of Peace”


Further information:
Lia Beltrami