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Scholas starts its first program in Southeast Asia

Indonesia opens its doors to Scholas Occurrentes to work together for the Culture of Encounter

Scholas Occurrentes, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and with the support of the 5P Global Movement, announced the launch of the Scholas Citizenship program in Indonesia. This innovative educational program brings together 200 student delegates from various educational institutions and different islands across the country, marking a significant milestone as the first Scholas program in Southeast Asia.

August 7, Vatican City. Today, the "Scholas Citizenship" program began in the city of Jakarta. This educational program is in collaboration with the Tunas Bineka, a program by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia which is inspired by Scholas Citizenship. Tunas Bineka, which symbolizes growth and new beginnings, reflects Indonesia's national motto "Bhinneka Tunggal Ika" (Unity in Diversity), aligning perfectly with Scholas' global mission. This project aims to give young people a leading role through a new education, celebrating diverse identities and fostering unity in diversity.

Over the next 10 days, 200 student delegates from various educational institutions and different ethnicities and religions will experience Scholas to listen to their concerns, pains, and dreams, share them with others, and seek solutions together.

The goal is to train a group of university students and young teachers in advance so they can implement Scholas' innovative methodology in their communities. This approach aims to give meaning to young people and respond to the current needs of Indonesian society.

Pope Francis himself will meet personally with the students who experienced Scholas in the country to listen to them and celebrate with them the educational polyhedron that will represent unity in diversity and the Culture of Encounter.


The Scholas Occurrentes project in the Southeast Asian country is carried out with the collaboration of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research, and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia and the support of the 5P Global Movement. 5P Global Movement is dedicated to promoting democratic values, international cooperation, and human potential, focusing on five core principles: Peace, Prosperity, People, Planet, and Partnership. Its mission is to create a world where human rights, social justice, and environmental health thrive, understanding that true

peace relies on shared prosperity and cooperation. The 5P Global Movement addresses global challenges through solidarity, working to transform peace, prosperity, and sustainability into a collective reality for the future.

Background of Scholas in Indonesia
Participation in the G20 Summit - 2022

In 2022, Scholas Occurrentes was invited to participate in the G20 Summit in Bali, Indonesia. During this global event, Scholas representatives met with world leaders from political, educational, and social fields. The goal was to showcase Scholas' international experience as an innovative model for education in the region. At the G20, Scholas was also invited to participate in the Tri Hita Karana Forum, where discussions were held with the Indonesian Minister of Education about the suitability of Scholas conducting its activities in the country. Additionally, conversations were held with the Forum's organizer to strengthen ties with various stakeholders in Indonesia and Asia in general. In line with Scholas' mission, proposed by Pope Francis, to promote the Culture of Encounter and Peace, a visit was made to the village of Genggelang on the island of Lombok. There, Scholas representatives shared moments with the youth of the community and planted an olive tree as a symbol of this commitment.

Indonesian Youth Trained by the International Scholas Team in Spain

Scholas sent a dedicated team to Indonesia to better understand the local environment and design an effective action strategy. Collaborating closely with local authorities, schools, and universities, we developed a comprehensive work plan aimed at fostering global citizenship among Indonesian youth. Scholas selected various young Indonesians to receive intensive training in Scholas' methodology at our headquarters in Granada, Spain. This way, they are prepared to bring this methodology to their own communities. After conducting the necessary evaluations, it was jointly decided to open the first Scholas headquarters in the region with a permanent team to develop sports, art, and technology programs. This will be inaugurated by Pope Francis on September 4 during his apostolic visit to the country.