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Human Trafficking:
Talitha Kum Marks 15th Anniversary with General Assembly in Italy 200 sisters from all the continents to convene in Sacrofano, near Rome,
from May 18th to the 23rd

[May 15th, 2024]

Over 200 Talitha Kum delegates representing women and men religious, laity, young people and survivors actively engaged in combating human trafficking will gather for Talitha Kum’s 2nd General Assembly which also marks its 15th anniversary of the organisation, since its establishment in 2009 under the International Union of Superiors General (UISG).

The delegates will gather at the Fraterna Domus in Sacrofano from 18-24 May 2024. The General Assembly will commence on the 19th with the Eucharistic liturgy celebrated by Cardinal João Braz de Aviz.

The delegates represent Talitha Kum networks located in 90 countries. They will gather to dialogue, listen, discern, and share to continue engaging and strategically tackling this modern- day evil that envelops the globe. In doing so, Talitha Kum members hope to continue to respond to Pope Francis’ call “to take action, to mobilize all our resources in combatting trafficking and restoring full dignity to those who have been its victims.”

Journeying Together to End Human Trafficking: Compassion in Action for Transformation” is the theme chosen for this anniversary Assembly. This theme sets the tone for the Assembly goals which are identified as: a transformative gathering of thanksgiving, sharing, evaluating, and moving forward. The Assembly hopes to make a Declaration of what its members stand for, as well as focus points that will help Talitha Kum make further progress and strengthen its networking and collaboration to be implemented from 2025-2030. A synodal, bottom-up approach will be adopted throughout the Assembly through the aid of facilitators.

To achieve these goals, the program foresees moments of evaluation, input from experts such as Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Safek Pavey, UNHCR, Türkiye, Sr Norma Pimentel, the winner of the 2023 Catholic Extension Spirit of Francis Award, for her work with refugees and immigrants to the United States, the Australian Ambassador to the Holy See Chiara Porro, and many more, panel discussions involving survivor advocates, young people, the sharing of best practices, and group discussions.

A Closing Plenary session, open to the public, will be held on Wednesday, 22 May. Delegates will gather with invited guests, partner organizations and Ambassadors to the Holy See to provide feedback regarding the Assembly, formally present the Final Declaration and respond to questions. The 15th Anniversary celebration will follow.

Talitha Kum - UISG | Piazza di Ponte Sant'Angelo, 28 | 00186 Roma, Italia Tel: 0039 06 68 400 20 | Mob: +39 3441734506 www.talithakum.info

The Assembly will formally close on Thursday, 23 May with a Papal audience, liturgy celebrated by Cardinal Michael Czerny in St Peter’s Basilica, and the Sisters Against Trafficking Award ceremony at the Augustinianum auditorium in Rome. Three sisters will be recognized for exceptional courage, creativity, collaboration, and achievement in the protection of their communities from human trafficking.

Formally established by the International Union of Superiors General (UISG) in 2009, Talitha Kum is the International Network of Consecrated Life Against Human Trafficking. Talitha Kum operates from the bottom-up and member networks engage in person and community centered responses that help them draw near the boys and girls, and men and women trapped in human trafficking or on the path to healing.

“The assembly is a unique time to meet, dialogue, and most importantly, define the strategies we will adopt in the coming years to combat trafficking and exploitation in all parts of the world. We share our successes and challenges, listening to new and different voices, and doing it together is key to strengthening ourselves and becoming more effective in our actions. “declares Sr Abby Avelino, MM - Talitha Kum International Coordinator.

Talitha Kum expresses gratitude to the UISG Executive Board, donors, and partners for their support in this mission against human trafficking: “I am grateful for the support of the UISG Executive Board and its members for entrusting us Talitha Kum members, with this prophetic mission initiative as we journey together in our commitment to fight against human trafficking. I am also grateful for our donors and partners in this mission, and most of all, to God's love that leads us towards compassion in action for transformation.” conclude Sr Abby Avelino, MM - Talitha Kum International Coordinator.

For further information, please contact:
Talitha Kum / UISG Communications Office: info@talithakum.info

Alessandra Tarquini +39 347 911 7177 alessandratarquini@gmail.com https://www.talithakum.info/en
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