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A new pair of masterpieces from the Vatican Museums at Castel Gandolfo

From 23 March, on the occasion of the Easter solemnities, two precious artistic treasures, Correggio’s Redeemer and the tapestry of Raphael’s Miraculous draught of fishes will leave the Vatican Museums, headed for the Castel Gandolfo Museum Complex, to inaugurate the new season of exhibitions at the Papal Palace.

Following the historic exhibition “Castel Gandolfo 1944”, which opened last 10 February, the Palace will enrich its cultural offering with two new projects, displaying two masterpieces from the Pope’s Museums. The initiative, the first of a series, will mark the launch of a new exhibition format, designed to bring the papal collections to Castel Gandolfo.

Pilgrims and tourists visiting the Museum Complex will be welcomed in the Hall of Popes by the exhibition “Raphael. The tapestry of the Miraculous draught of fishes for the Sistine Chapel”, and then, in the new exhibition spaces, “Correggio. The Redeemer of the Vatican Museums”.

The presentation will take place on Saturday 23 March 2024 at 11.30 at the Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo, in the presence of Barbara Jatta, Director of the Museums, Alessandra Rodolfo, curator of the Textiles and Tapestries Department, and Fabrizio Biferali, curator of the Department of Fifteenth- and Sixteenth-Century Art.



Journalists and media workers who wish to attend must apply, up to 24 hours before the event, via the Holy See Press Office online accreditation system, at press.vatican.va/accreditamenti.

For journalists and media workers accredited for the event, a transport service will be available, departing and returning to the temporary site of the Holy See Press Office at Via dell’Ospedale 1, with the following programme:

8.30: Appointment at the temporary site of the Holy See Press Office at Via dell’Ospedale 1

8.45: Departure by special coach

9.30/9.45: Arrival at Castel Gandolfo

11.30/12.15: Presentation of the works at the Papal Palace of Castel Gandolfo

13.30 approx.: Arrival in Rome.

Journalists and media workers who do not intend to use the transport service are asked to indicate this by email: accreditamenti@salastampa.va.


Vatican Museums Press Office      +39 3666282947    www.museivaticani.va    

                                                 +39 06 69883041   stampa.musei@scv.va