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Vatican City, 7 March 2024: On Thursday 14 March, little more than a month after the passing of Professor Antonio Paolucci in Florence on 4 February, the Vatican Museums will hold an event in remembrance of their director, who held office from 2007 to 2016.

An art historian, superintendent in various Italian cities, and Minister of Cultural Heritage, Paolucci, thanks to his tireless commitment to preserving and promoting art and culture, has left a lasting legacy that will continue to inspire and guide future generations of scholars and art lovers.

The event on 14 March will be an opportunity to pay homage to his multifaceted and versatile figure, painting an affectionate portrait, both professional and humane, in the presence of friends, colleagues and collaborators.

The meeting will take place in the Raphael Hall, in the heart of the Vatican Pinacoteca, among the masterpieces of the Master of Urbino, an artist particularly appreciated by the beloved late professor.



Journalists and media workers who wish to participate must apply, up to 24 hours before the event, via the Holy See Press Office online accreditation system, at press.vatican.va/accreditamenti.


Vatican Museums Press Office

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