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(Città del Vaticano) - È giunta all’undicesima edizione la «24 Ore per il Signore», iniziativa quaresimale di preghiera e riconciliazione voluta da Papa Francesco, che ogni anno si celebra nelle diocesi di tutto il mondo alla vigilia della quarta domenica di Quaresima. Il motto scelto dal Papa per questa edizione, che si terrà da venerdì 8 a sabato 9 marzo, è tratto dal capitolo 6 della Lettera ai Romani: «Camminare in una vita nuova». In preparazione alla Pasqua di Risurrezione, nella serata del venerdì e durante l’intera giornata del sabato, si propone alle comunità ecclesiali di prevedere un’apertura straordinaria delle chiese, in modo da offrire ai fedeli l’occasione di sostare in qualsiasi momento in adorazione e l’opportunità di confessarsi. L’edizione di quest’anno si inserisce nel percorso dell’Anno della Preghiera, e la «24 Ore per il Signore» sarà l’occasione per fare esperienza della preghiera del perdono.

(Vatican City) - The "24 Hours for the Lord," a Lenten initiative of prayer and reconciliation desired by Pope Francis, which is celebrated every year in dioceses around the world on the eve of the Fourth Sunday of Lent, has reached its eleventh edition. The motto chosen by the Pope for this edition, to be held from Friday 8 to Saturday 9 March, is taken from chapter 6 of the Letter to the Romans, "Walking in a new life". In preparation for the Easter Resurrection, on Friday evening and throughout the entire day on Saturday, it is proposed that church communities provide for an extraordinary opening of the churches, so as to offer the faithful the opportunity to pause at any time in adoration and the opportunity to go to confession. This year's edition is part of the Year of Prayer, and the "24 Hours for the Lord" will be an opportunity to experience the prayer of forgiveness.

Since last year, to characterize more fully the presence in parish communities, Pope Francis has been presiding over the celebration of “24 Hours for the Lord” in a parish in the city of Rome. For this edition, the liturgy with the Holy Father will be held on Friday, March 8, 2024 at 4:30 p.m. in the parish of San Pio V (Largo San Pio V, 3). During the celebration there will be an opportunity for all the faithful who wish to do so to receive the sacrament of reconciliation. Pope Francis will also hear the confessions of some penitents.

The open doors of churches are a symbol of God's merciful love. In preparation for "24 Hours for the Lord," the Dicastery for Evangelization has published a pastoral handbook containing guides to personal prayer and suggestions for community celebration. In fact, the proposal is renewed for dioceses and parishes in Italy and around the world to celebrate the moment of prayer in their own communities as well. The handbook can be downloaded free of charge, in Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish and French versions, from the Dicastery's website:


A limited number of tickets will be available to participate in the liturgy with the Holy Father. Tickets can be collected, subject to availability, from Tuesday 5 March to Thursday 7 March 2024, from 10.00 t0 17.00, at the Jubilee 2025 Info Point, Via della Conciliazione, 7.