Jubilee Synodal Paths:
2 December "From justice to fraternity"
The theme of justice will be at the centre of the meeting in the New Synod Hall, starting at 14.00. The appointment will close the cycle for the year 2023.
On Saturday 2 December, at 14.00 in the New Synod Hall, the meeting entitled Dalla Giustizia alla Fraternità (From Justice to Fraternity), the sixth appointment of the Jubilee Synodal Paths, organized by the Fratelli tutti Foundation in collaboration with Saint Peter’s Papal Basilica, will be held in preparation for the 2025 Jubilee.
The meeting will focus on the theme of justice and its promotion in various daily situations, following the indications of Chapter VII – Paths of renewed encounter – of the Encyclical Fratelli tutti. It will be discussed by Professor Marta Cartabia, former president of the Constitutional Court and Minister of Justice of the Italian government; Fr. Mario Picech, S.J., for years chaplain of the maximum-security jail in the Islas Marias, Mexico; and Valeria Collina, of Muslim faith and mother of one of the three terrorists of the attacks on 3 June 2017 in London, who is promoting dialogue through the construction of justice that refuses any form of violence.
“The experience of the Jubilee Synodal Paths, in which many realities in society concerned with justice participate, promotes a universal and a particular idea of justice. The first allows personal encounters and the possibility of going beyond cultures. The second leads one to consider the 'need' of the other as a paradigm of justice, a sort of organizing principle of social life," declares Father Francesco Occhetta, Secretary General of the Fratelli tutti Foundation, who will moderate the work. "When societies choose fraternity, justice instead of being revenge becomes reparation and purification of the memory of what happened. We must rebuild a culture of justice that goes beyond the image of sword and scales. Justice mends with needle and thread those social and personal relationships that are broken because of violence and war. It is an adult and difficult path that bears fruit when one chooses it”.
The appointment of 2 December will conclude the series of meetings for the year 2023, which focused specifically on Chapter VII of the Encyclical Fratelli tutti and reflected on the reparation and rebuilding of personal, social and political relations as the antidote to revenge or exemplary punishment.
After the interventions by the speakers, the afternoon will continue, as is customary, with round tables to reflect and exchange good practices on the theme under discussion. The work will end with a visit, behind closed doors, of Saint Peter’s Basilica, to take a spiritual look at the theme of justice.
The Jubilee Synodal Paths began in 2022, the year in which the theme of proximity and care was considered; instead, the year 2024 will be dedicated to the theme of political love.
Fratelli tutti Foundation, Palazzo della Canonica. Largo della Sagrestia - 00120 Città del Vaticano www.fondazionefratellitutti.org
Email: fondazioneft@fondazionefratellitutti.va