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For a fundamental theology of the priesthood

17-19 February, Paul VI Hall, Vatican City

“God calls us to a particular state of life: to give ourselves on the way of marriage, on that of the priesthood, or that of consecrated life” – POPE FRANCIS


Pope Francis will inaugurate the work of the international Symposium “For a fundamental theology of the priesthood”, promoted by His Eminence Cardinal Marc Ouellet, prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, and by the Centre for Research and Anthropology of Vocations. The event will take place from 17 to 19 February in the Paul VI Hall, Vatican City.

During these three days, authoritative speakers will take turns to reflect and dialogue on the themes “Tradition and new horizons”, “Trinity, mission, sacramentality” and “Celibacy, charism, spirituality”.

The world and the Church are faced with tensions, divisions and fragmentations that threaten peace and universal brotherhood. In this context, Pope Francis has initiated a path of synodality aimed at increasing participation, communion and mission in the People of God.

At the invitation of Cardinal Marc Ouellet, bishops, clergy, laypeople and religious will meet for a moment of reflection and study on the relations between ordained ministers, and lay and religious members, with a view to harmonizing their contribution, which will be articulated and in line with the call to holiness address to each one.

Likewise, the initiative proposes to reawaken enthusiasm for our faith in the gift of God and to give new zeal to the promotion of vocations.


To participate in the Symposium, it is now possible to enrol on the site: www.communio-vocation.com

For interviews, please send a request to Soeur Marie de l’Assomption, at: contact@communio-vocation.com

Accreditation methods

Journalists and media operators who intend to participate in the Symposium must send a request, within 24 hours of the event, via the Holy See Press Office online accreditation system, at https://press.vatican.va/accreditamenti.

Places will be guaranteed while availability lasts.