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New paths in theology: the legacy of the 20th century

At the Lateran University, the XI International Forum of the Pontifical Academy of Theology with talks by Ravasi, Forte, Salatiello, Zamboni, Léthel, Lorizio, O'Callaghan, Canobbio and Coda

The XI International Forum of the Pontifical Academy of Theology (PATH) will be held at the Lateran University in Rome from 27 to 28 January 2022, dedicated to the theme “New Itineraries in Theology: the Legacy of the Twentieth Century”. The Symposium, which has been promoted every two years since 2002, is a valuable opportunity for members of the Academy and all those who wish to explore theological and faith-related issues. 

Ignazio Sanna, President of the Pontifical Academy of Theology, explains: “In this edition, we wanted to revisit the great witnesses of the theology of the 'short century' and their respective demands: transcendental, anthropological-moral, sapiential, kerygmatic-kairological, integral ecological, ontological-trinitarian and of the 'people of God'. Today, the "ministry of thought" must help Christians to mature into an adult and responsible faith. The Academy of Theology wants to make this ministry its own and enable Christians to grasp the challenges of history and illuminate them with the light of the Gospel".

The two days of study will open on Thursday 27 January - at 9.00 a.m. in the Aula Magna of the Faculty of Theology (Piazza San Giovanni in Laterano, 4) - with greetings from the Rector of the Pontifical Lateran University, Vincenzo Buonomo, the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, and the President of PATH.

Following this, Archbishop Bruno Forte of Chieti-Vasto will give the introductory speech on the theme “The critical thought of faith between modern and post-modern”. The morning session will continue with Giorgia Salatiello's talk on “Karl Rahner's transcendental method”. The afternoon session will feature Stefano Zamboni (with a paper on “The obligation to bear fruit in charity for the life of the world” [OT16]), François-Marie Léthel (“The theology of the saints between science and wisdom”) and Giuseppe Lorizio (“Radicality of faith and radicalism of thought”).

On Friday 28 January the conference will continue in the morning with interventions by Paul O'Callaghan (“Man, made in the image of God. His relationship with creation”), Giacomo Canobbio (“A theology from the people and for the people. A Latin-American vision”) and Piero Coda (“Why and which ontology from the ‘viscera of revelation’ and with universal value?”).

The International Forum will end at 12.15 p.m., and will be concluded by Bishop Ignazio Sanna.

It will be possible to follow the proceedings in person - if in possession of a Green Pass - or via live streaming on the YouTube channel of the Pontifical Lateran University.

Journalists and media operators wishing to participate should send a request, within 24 hours of the event, through the online accreditation system of the Holy See Press Office: press.vatican.va/accreditations


Rome, 21 January 2022


Pontifical Theological Academy

Via della Conciliazione 5 – 00120 Vatican City

Press Office: Marco Piras – cell. + 39 3284177150
email path.stampa@gmail.com - www.theologia.va