Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Message of the Holy Father to participants in the Jubilee pilgrimage of the Archdiocese of Naples and other dioceses, 22.03.2025

The following is the message prepared by the Holy Father on the occasion of the Jubilee pilgrimage of the archdiocese of Naples and other dioceses, read out by His Eminence Cardinal Domenico Battaglia, archbishop of Naples, during the Holy Mass in Saint Peter’s Square:


Message of the Holy Father

Dear brothers and sisters of the diocese of Naples and many other dioceses present,

I greet you and your bishops on the occasion of the diocesan Jubilee pilgrimages you are undertaking. They express the unity that gathers you as a community around your pastors and the bishop of Rome, as well as the commitment to embrace Jesus’ invitation to enter “through the narrow gate” (Mt 7:13). Love is like this: it unites and makes us grow together. That is why, even though your paths are different, it has brought you here together at the tomb of Peter, from which you can depart even stronger in faith and more united in charity.

In these days I have strongly felt the support of your closeness, especially through the prayers with which you have accompanied me. Therefore, although I cannot be physically present among you, I express to you my great joy in knowing you are united with me and among yourselves in the Lord Jesus, as Church.

I bless you and pray for you. And please, continue to pray for me. Thank you.


From “A. Gemelli” Hospital, 22 March 2025
