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Sala Stampa

Message of the Holy Father Francis to the 47th President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, on the occasion of his inauguration at the White House, 20.01.2025

The following is the Message sent by the Holy Father Francis to the 47th President of the United States of America, Donald J. Trump, on the occasion of his inauguration at the White House:



The Honorable Donald J. Trump

President of the United States of America

The White House


On the occasion of your inauguration as the forty-seventh President of the United States of America, I offer cordial greetings and the assurance of my prayers that Almighty God will grant you wisdom, strength and protection in the exercise of your high duties. Inspired by your nation’s ideals of being a land of opportunity and welcome for all, it is my hope that under your leadership the American people will prosper and always strive to build a more just society, where there is no room for hatred, discrimination or exclusion. At the same time, as our human family faces numerous challenges, not to mention the scourge of war, I also ask God to guide your efforts in promoting peace and reconciliation among peoples. With these sentiments, I invoke upon you, your family, and the beloved American people an abundance of divine blessings.