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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 10.01.2025

Appointment of bishop of Thunder Bay, Canada

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Alan Campeau, of the clergy of the diocese of London, until now parish priest of Saint Joseph in Dryden, in the diocese of Thunder Bay, as bishop of the same diocese.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Alan Campeau was born on 1 August 1959. After entering Saint Peter’s Seminary in London, Ontario, he was awarded a degree in philosophy and sociology from the University of Western Ontario, and a master’s degree in theology.

He was ordained a priest on 28 April 1990.

He has held the following offices: chaplain of Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor (1990), associate pastor of Saint Gregory the Great in St. Clair Beach (1990-1991), associate pastor of St. Pius X, London, Ontario (1991-1995), parish priest of Holy Family and the Chapel of Saint Benedict in Thunder Bay (1995-1997), parish priest of Corpus Christi in Thunder Bay (1997-1999), parish priest of Notre Dame in Kenora, of the parish of Sacred Heart in Sioux Narrows, of Our Lady of the Lake in Nestor Falls, with missions in Reddit, Grassy Narrows First Nation Reserve, and the White Dog First Nation Reserve (1999-2005), parish priest of Our Lady of Loreto and of the Chapel of Saint Mark in Thunder Bay (2005-2008), parish priest of Saint Joseph in Dryden, of Our Lady of Fatima in Vermilion Bay, of the Immaculate Conception, Wabigoon First Nation Reserve and Eagle Lake First Nation Reserve (2008-2024), head of the West Deanery of the diocese of Thunder Bay (2008-2024), and member of the Presbyteral Council.