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Sala Stampa

Audience with members of the Catholic Philanthropy Network (FADICA), 11.11.2024

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience the members of the Catholic Philanthropy Network (FADICA), to whom he addressed the following words of greeting:


Greeting of the Holy Father

Ladies and Gentlemen,
Dear Friends,

I am pleased to welcome the members of the Catholic Philanthropy Network on the occasion of your pilgrimage, symposium and retreat in the Eternal City.  It is my hope that these days of reflection and prayer at the tombs of the Apostles and martyrs will increase your love for the Church and your commitment to the spread of the Gospel and the building up of Christ’s kingdom of holiness, justice and peace.

 In these days, as you know, the Church has been engaged in a process of reflection on her nature as a “synodal” community, grounded in our shared baptismal dignity and co-responsibility for the Church’s mission as we face a time of epochal change and its consequences for the future of our human family.  I am especially grateful for the support that you give to the offices of the Holy See that seek to discern the signs of the times and to help the universal Church to respond with wisdom, charity and foresightedness to the needs and challenges of the present moment.  At the same time, I thank you for your quiet encouragement of so many initiatives that enrich the life and apostolate of the Church in the United States.  Thank you, thank you very much.

As a “network”, FADICA is naturally “synodal” in that it counts on the common vision, commitment and cooperation of so many individuals, families and foundations.  I ask that this synodal spirit of solidarity and generous concern for others will always be nurtured by a sense of gratitude for the abundant gifts the Lord has bestowed upon us and an ever deeper experience of the transforming power of his love.  Love always transforms, changes things.

I commend all of you to that love, which we have within us and must share, a love revealed in the Sacred Heart of the Savior, and pray that you and all the members of the Catholic Philanthropy Network will “keep experiencing the joy born of our efforts to share the love of Christ with others” (cf. Encyclical Dilexit Nos, 216).  I bless you and your families, and I ask you, please, not to forget to pray for me.  Pray for me, but pray for me and not against.