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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 29.10.2024

Appointment of bishop of Surabaya, Indonesia

Appointment of bishop of Myitkyina, Myanmar


Appointment of bishop of Surabaya, Indonesia

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Agustinus Tri Budi Utomo, of the clergy of the diocese of Surabaya, Indonesia, until now episcopal vicar for pastoral care, as bishop of the same diocese.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Agustinus Tri Budi Utomo was born on 12 March 1968 in Ngawi, East Java. After entering the Saint Vincentius a Paulo Minor Seminary in Blitar, he continued his formation at the Saint John XXIII Interdiocesan Major Seminary in Malang, attending the Widya Sasana Philosophical and Theological Institute in Malang, where he was awarded a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in theology.

He was ordained a priest on 27 August 1996.

He has held the following offices: chaplain for university students (1996), parish vicar (1996-2000) and parish priest (2000-2001) of Saint Mary of the Annunciation in Sidoario, lecturer at Universitas Airlangga (1996-2001), teacher at the Saint Vincentius a Paulo Minor Seminary (1996-2001), director of the Lembaga Karya Dharma social and healthcare Foundation (2001), parish vicar of Infant Jesus in Marau, diocese of Ketapang (2001-2004), parish priest of Saint Charles Borromeo in Tembelina, diocese of Ketapang (2004-2005), parish priest of Saint Pius XI in Blora (2005-2007), president of the Yohanes Gabriel educational Foundation (2006-2007-2012), episcopal vicar for Region IV (2007-2008), lecturer at the Universitas Katolik Widya Mandala (2007-2010), episcopal vicar of Cepu and parish vicar of Saint Willibrordus in Cepu (2008-2011), parish administrator of Saint Mary of the Annunciation in Sidoario (2017-2018), parish vicar of Saint Mary of the Annunciation in Sidoario (2018-2020), parish vicar of the Catheral (2020-2022), and chair of the diocesan Commission for the Family (2020-2022). Since 2011 he has served as vicar general of the diocese of Surabaya and subsequently episcopal vicar for pastoral care. Since 2021 he has been a member of the diocesan Commission for Property and Assets and, since 2022, parish vicar of Sakramen Mahakudus Pagesangan in Surabaya.


Appointment of bishop of Myitkyina, Myanmar

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Fr. John Mung Ngawn La Sam, M.F., of the Missionaries of Faith, until now parish priest of Saint Paul Church and head of the Retreat Centre in Shadau, as bishop of the diocese of Myitkyina, Myanmar.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. John Mung Ngawn La Sam, M.F., was born on 27 April 1973 in Moe Gok. He studied law at

Myitkyina University and philosophy at Saint Joseph’s Institute of Philosophy in Pyi Oo Lwin. After completing the year of spirituality at the formation house of the Missionaries of the Faith in Rome (2009-2010), he studied theology at the Pontifical Lateran University (2011-2014).

He gave his religious vows in the Congregation of the Missionary Fathers of Faith on 8 September and was ordained a priest on 16 January 2016.

He has held the following offices: assistant parish priest of the Saint Colombano Cathedral, Myitkyina (2016-2017), and since 2017, parish priest of Saint Paul’s Church and head of the Retreat Centre in the diocese of Myitkyina.
