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Sala Stampa

Notice from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations, 03.10.2024

Notice from the Office of Liturgical Celebrations



Sunday 20 October 2024


On 20 October 2024, 29th Sunday of Ordinary Time, at 10.30, on the parvis of Saint Peter’s Basilica, the Holy Father Francis will preside over the Eucharistic Celebration and the Rite of Canonization of Blesseds:

Manuel Ruiz López and seven Companions

and Francis, Abdel Moati and Raphael Massabki,

Giuseppe Allamano,

Marie-Léonie Paradis

and Elena Guerra.

The following may concelebrate with the Holy Father:

- the Patriarchs and Cardinals, who must be present in the Chapel of Saint Sebastian by 9.45, bringing with them the white damask mitre;

- the Archbishops and Bishops, with the relevant ticket requested from this office by 15 October via the procedure indicated at; they must be present at the Braccio di Costantino by 9.45, bringing with them their amice, surplice, cincture and white mitre;

- the Priests, with the relevant ticket requested from this office by 15 October

i Patriarchi e i Cardinali, che si troveranno entro le ore 9.45 nella Cappella di San Sebastiano, portando con sé la mitra bianca damascata; via the procedure indicated at; they must be present by 9.30 in the sector reserved for them in Saint Peter’s Square, to put on the amice, surplice, cincture and white stole they will have brought with them.

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In accordance with the Motu Proprio Pontificalis Domus, all the members of the Pontifical Chapel who wish to participate in the liturgical celebration must bring with them the Notification, to be requested via email at by 15 October. They are all required to wear their own choral habit and to be present on the parvis of the Basilica by 10.00, in order to occupy the place to be indicated to them by the pontifical masters of ceremonies.

Vatican City, 3 October 2024

By mandate of the Holy Father

✠ Diego Ravelli
Titular Archbishop of Recanati
Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations