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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 23.09.2024

Appointment of bishop of Isiro-Niangara, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Dieudonné Madrapile Tanzi as bishop of Isiro-Niangara, Democratic Republic of the Congo, transferring him from the pastoral care of the diocese of Isangi.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Bishop Dieudonné Madrapile Tanzi was born on 18 August 1958 in Niangara. He received priestly ordination on 25 August 1985 for the diocese of Isiro-Niangara.

After ordination, he first held the roles of formator in Rungu Minor Seminary (1985-1986), teacher and spiritual animator of the Saint Augustin Interdiocesan Major Seminary of philosophy, Kisangani (1986-1996), vicar general of the diocese of Isiro-Niangara (1996-2001), diocesan administrator of Isiro-Niangara (2001-2003), and rector of the Blessed Anuarite National Marian Shrine (2003-2006). After receiving a doctorate in missiology from the Pontifical Urbaniana University, Rome (2006-2013), he went on to serve as chaplain of the Daughters of Saint Mary of Providence, Opera Don Guanella, Rome, and professor of pastoral theology at the Pontifical Urbaniana University (2012-2016). Since 12 July 2024 he has been apostolic administrator of the diocese of Isiro-Niangara. He was elected bishop of Isangi on 2 April 2016 and consecrated on 10 July 2016.
