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Sala Stampa

Audiences, 16.09.2024

This morning, the Holy Father Francis received in audience:

- His Eminence Cardinal Robert Francis Prevost, O.S.A., prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops;

- Archbishop Visvaldas Kulbokas, titular of Martana, apostolic nuncio in Ukraine;

- Archbishop Paolo Rudelli, titular of Mesembria, apostolic nuncio in Colombia;

- Msgr. José Díaz-Mariblanca Sánchez, nunciature counsellor, Study Mission in Hong Kong;

- His Excellency Mr. Yaron Sideman, ambassador of Israel to the Holy See, on the occasion of the presentation of his credential letters;

- Archbishop Javier Augusto del Río Alba of Arequipa, Peru;

- Bishop Emilio Aranguren Echeverría of Honguín, Cuba, president of the Episcopal Conference of Cuba; with Bishop Marcelo Arturo González Amador of Santa Clara, vice-president; Bishop Juan de Dios Hernández Ruiz S.J., of Pinar del Río, secretary general;

- Archbishop Julien Kaboré, titular of Milevi, apostolic nuncio in Ghana, with family members;

- Delegation from the “Confederación General del Trabajo de la República Argentina”;

- Delegation from Notre Dame University, Indiana, United States of America.
