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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 05.09.2024

Appointment of bishop of Kaga-Bandoro, Central African Republic

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Victor Hugo Castillo Matarrita, M.C.C.J., until now provincial of the Comboni Missionaries in Central Africa, as bishop of Kaga-Bandoro, Central African Republic.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Victor Hugo Castillo Matarrita, M.C.C.J., was born on 19 March 1963 in Mansión, in the diocese of Tiarán in Costa Rica. He entered the Congregation of the Comboni Missionaries of the Heart of Jesus, and gave his religious vows on 27 September 1991 in Paris, where he also carried out his philosophical and theological studies.

He was ordained a priest on 8 August 1992 in Costa Rica.

He has held the following offices: missionary in Central Africa and parish priest in Grimari (1993-1998), formator and local superior in the Postulate of the Comboni Missionaries in Bangui (1998-2001), provincial delegate and president of the Conference of Major Superiors in Central Africa (2002-2007), formator of postulants in San José and counsellor of the Central American delegation (2008-2009), provincial superior for Central America (2013-2020) and chargé for Comboni student priests in Rome (2020-2022). Since 1 January 2023 he has served as provincial superior of the Comboni Missionaries in Central Africa.
