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Credential letters of the Ambassador of Ecuador to the Holy See, 26.08.2024

This morning, in the Vatican Apostolic Palace, the Holy Father Francis received in audience His Excellency Mr. Jorge Edmundo Uribe Pérez, ambassador of Ecuador to the Holy See, on the occasion of the presentation of his credential letters.

The following is a brief biography of the new ambassador:

His Excellency Mr. Jorge Edmundo Uribe Pérez
Ambassador of Ecuador to the Holy See

His Excellency Mr. Jorge Edmundo Uribe Pérez was born on 7 September 1952, and is married, with one daughter.

He carried out his primary and secondary studies at the Colegio Espíritu Santo Guayaquil (Claretian Fathers). He studied law for two years at the Catholic University of Guayaquil.

He studied universal history, with an emphasis on philosophy of history, and followed a Curso de Alta Gerencia at the IDE Business School (2017).

He has held the following offices: president of the Founder of the Sociedad Ecuatoriana de defensa de la Tradición, Familia y Propriedad T.P.F. (1974), active member in the Sociedad Ecuatoriana de defensa de la Tradición, Familia y Propriedad T.P.F. (1975-1986), and director of the Asociación de Exportadores de Banana del Ecuador A.E.B.E. (2018-2023). From 1985 to 2006 he developed various projects with associates in Ecuador. He was the founder and executive president of Tropicalfruit Export S.A. from 2018 to 2023, and is an active member of the Pontifical Institute Heraldos del Evangelio.