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Visit of the Holy Father Francis to visit the Capitoline Hill (Monday 10 June 2024) – Programme, 05.06.2024


Departure by car from Santa Marta


Arrival at the entrance of the Lances (Via San Pietro in Carcere)The Holy Father will be welcomed by the Honorable Roberto Gualtieri, Mayor of Rome

The Holy Father will be greeted by trumpet calls from the faithful of Vitorchiano

Entry into the Tabularium

The Holy Father and the Mayor will appear at the first arch facing the
Roman Forum

The Holy Father and the Mayor will take the elevator to the first floor of
the Senatorial Palace


Private meeting in the Mayor’s office

At the end of the meeting, the Mayor will present his family members to
the Holy Father

The Holy Father will greet members of the Mayor’s Secretariat while passing through the Hall
of the Tapestry


In the Hall of Flags, the Holy Father will sign the "Capitoline Golden Book”


In the Giulio Cesare Hall: meeting with Councillors, Assessors and other authorities invited

- Greeting of the Honorable Svetlana Celli, President of the Capitoline Assembly

- Greeting of the Honorable Roberto Gualtieri, Mayor of Rome

Address of the Holy Father

Followed by the exchange of gifts

The Mayor will give a silver medal to commemorate the visit, and a document of the institution of several initiatives of a social nature.
The Holy Father will leave as a gift to the Municipality a mosaic depicting the Arch of Titus; to the Mayor a triptych of medals, and to the Councillors, whom he greets individually, medals and the Bull of the Jubilee.

After the greeting, the Holy Father and the Mayor will appear on the balcony of the Senatorial
Palace; the Holy Father will greet the Roman citizens gathered in Piazza del Campidoglio (no speech will be delivered, only a greeting).

Upon re-entering the Giulio Cesare Hall, the Holy Father and the Mayor will pause in front of
 the plaque commemorating the visit.

The Holy Father and the Mayor, crossing the “Laudato si’” Hall, will proceed to the Hall of the
Protomoteca, where various employees of the Municipality will be present (there will be no speech).


At the Portico del Vignola, the Holy Father will take leave of the Mayor, greeted by the trumpet blasts of the Vitorchiano faithful, and will leave the Capitoline Hill to return to the Vatican.
