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Resignations and Appointments, 15.05.2024

Resignation and succession of bishop of Bragança do Pará, Brazil

Appointment of bishop of El Banco, Colombia

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Barranquilla, Colombia

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Belo Horizonte, Brazil


Resignation and succession of bishop of Bragança do Pará, Brazil

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Bragança do Pará, Brazil, presented by Bishop Jesús María Cizzaurre Berdonces, O.A.R.

He is succeeded by Bishop Raimundo Possidônio Carrera da Mata, until now coadjutor of the same diocese.


Appointment of bishop of El Banco, Colombia

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Dimas Antonio Acuña Jiménez, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Barranquilla, parish priest of Our Lady of Torcoroma, as bishop of El Banco, Colombia.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Dimas Antonio Acuña Jiménez was born in Usiacurí, archdiocese of Barranquilla, on 25 January 1972.

He carried out his studies in philosophy and theology at the major seminary of Barranquilla, and was ordained a priest for the same archdiocese on 22 August 1998.

He was awarded a licentiate in theology from the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana of Bogotá, and a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Saint Thomas Aquinas University of Rome.

He has held the following offices: parish vicar of Saint Pancras and the Cathedral, parish priest of Our Lady of Fatima, Saint Charles Borromeo, Saint Augustine, Christ the King and Saint Laura, formator and rector of the major seminary of Barranquilla, and subsequently rector.

He is currently parish priest of Our Lady of Torcoroma in Barranquilla.


Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Barranquilla, Colombia

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Edgar Jesús Mejía Orozco, of the clergy of the same archdiocese, until now vicar general, as auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Barranquilla, assigning him the titular see of Zattara.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Mejía Orozco was born in Barranquilla on 13 January 1976. He carried out his studies in philosophy and theology at the major seminary of the archdiocese of Barranquilla, and was ordained a priest for the same archdiocese on 17 November 2007.

He was awarded a licentiate in dogmatic theology at the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome.

He has held the following offices: formator at the major seminary of Barranquilla, parish priest of Saint Charles Borromeo, and Saint Thomas of Villanueva. He is currently vicar general and delegate for biblical pastoral care and vocational pastoral care.


Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Belo Horizonte, Brazil

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend José Otacio Oliveira Guedes, of the clergy of the metropolitan archdiocese of Niterói, until now rector of the Pontifical Pio-Brazilian College in Rome, assigning him the titular see of Severiana.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. José Otacio Oliveira Guedes was born on 26 February 1974 in São Sebastião do Maranhão, diocese of Guanhães, in the State of Minas Gerais. He carried out his studies in philosophy at the Faculdade de São Bento in Rio de Janeiro-RJ, and in theology at the Pontifical Athenaeum “Regina Apostolorum” in Rome. He was subsequently awarded a licentiate in biblical theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University of Rome, and a doctorate from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro-RJ.

He was ordained a priest on 29 August 2000, and incardinated in the metropolitan archdiocese of Niterói.

He has held the following offices: vice rector (2001-2003) and then rector (2004-2006) of the major seminary of Niterói-RJ; chaplain of the Imaculada Conceição Church in Niterói-RJ (2001-2006), member of the Presbyteral Council and the College of Consultors (2004-2006), parish priest of São Pedro Apóstol in Itaborái-RJ (2006-2012), director of the Instituto Filosófico e Teológico in Niterói-RJ (2013-2016), archdiocesan assistant for university pastoral care (2013-2016), coordinator of the course in theology for the laity and formation of catechists (2013-2016), professor at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro-RJ (2003-2008, 2012-2017), fidei donum priest of the archdiocese of Porto Velho-RO, administrator of the Missionary Area of União Bandeirantes and of the Santa Dulce dos Pobres Community and professor in the São João XXIII Seminary and in the Faculdade Católica de Rondônia (2017-2020). Since 2020 he has served as rector of the Pontifical Pio-Brazilian College in Rome.
