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Sala Stampa

Meeting with journalists, 30.04.2024

On Thursday 2 May 2024, at 13.30, in the Holy See Press Office, Sala San Pio X, Via dell’Ospedale 1, a meeting will be held with journalists at the end of the International Meeting “Parish Priests for the Synod” (Sacrofano/Rome, 29 April to 2 May 2024), organized jointly by the Secretariat General of the Synod and the Dicasteries for the Clergy, for the Eastern Churches and for Evangelization – Section for First Evangelization and the New Particular Churches.

The speakers, who will be available to the press for interviews, will be: Msgr. Luis Marín De San Martín, O.S.A., under-secretary of the General Secretariat of the Synod, and some parish priests who participated in the meeting.


Accreditation and participation procedure
Journalists and media operators who wish to participate must no less than 24 hours before the event, via the Holy See Press Office online accreditation system, at, selecting the event: Incontro con i giornalisti – “Parroci per il Sinodo”.

Journalists and media operators who are admitted will receive confirmation of participation via the online accreditation system.


Journalists and media operators accredited for the Press Conference are invited to arrive 30 minutes before the start time.
