Visit of the Holy Father Francis to Verona (Saturday 18 May 2024) – Programme, 29.04.2024
Departure from Vatican heliport
Arrival in the square adjacent to the Bentegodi Stadium.
The Holy Father will be welcomed by:
- Bishop Domenico Pompili of Verona
- the Hon. Luca Zaia, President of the Veneto Region
- Dr. Demetrio Martino, Prefect of Verona
- Mr. Damiano Tommasi, Mayor of Verona
Immediate transfer by car to the Basilica of San Zeno
BASILICA OF SAN ZENO: Meeting with Priests and Consecrated Persons
*Address of the Holy Father
At the end, the Holy Father will leave the Basilica
PIAZZA SAN ZENO: Meeting with children and young people
*Greeting of the Holy Father
The Holy Father will transfer by car to the Arena
ARENA: The Holy Father will chair the meeting "Arena of Peace: Justice and Peace embrace"
*The Holy Father will answer questions
Following the meeting in the Arena, the Holy Father will transfer by car to the Montorio Prison Montorio
The Holy Father will be welcomed by:
- Dr. Francesca Gioieni, Director
- Dr. Mario Piramide, Director of the Prison Police
In the prison, the Holy Father will greet the Police Prison Officers, detainees and volunteers
*Address of the Holy Father
Lunch with detainees
The Holy Father will leave Montorio Prison and transfer by car to Bentegodi Stadium
BENTEGODI STADIUM: Eucharistic Concelebration
*Homily of the Holy Father
Before the final blessing:
- thanks from Bishop Domenico Pompili of Verona
At the steps of the helicopter, the Holy Father will take leave of the authorities who welcomed him on arrival
Departure from the square adjacent to Bentegodi Stadium
Arrival at Vatican heliport