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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 27.03.2024

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Eldoret, Kenya

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Santiago de Guatemala, Guatemala


Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Eldoret, Kenya

The Holy Father has appointed the Revrend John Kiplimo Lelei, of the clergy of Eldoret, Kenya, until now vicar general, as auxiliary bishop of the same diocese, assigning him the titular see of Mons in Numidia.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. John Kiplimo Lelei was born on 15 August 1958 in Soy, in the diocese of Eldoret. He studied philosophy at Saint Augustine’s Senior Seminary in Mabanga, and theology at Saint Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in Nairobi.

He was ordained a priest on 26 October 1985 for the diocese of Eldoret.

He was awarded a doctorate in theology, specializing in liturgy, from the Universität Wien, and has held the offices of parish vicar in Suwerwa and Chepterit (1985-1987), parish priest in Yamumbi, Suwerwa, Chepterit and Tachasis, and vicar forane of the deaneries of Kitale and Nandi (1987-1996), parish collaborator at the Saint Brigitta and Zum Gottlichen Erloser in the archdiocese of Vienna (1996-2002), lecturer at the AMECEA Pastoral Institute of Gaba (2003-2004), the Institute of Development Studies in Kobujoi (2003-2008) and the Saint Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary in Tindinyo (2003-2008), parish priest of Saint Peter’s in Kapsabet (2007-2008), lecturer and formator of Saint Matthias Mulumba Senior Seminary in Tindinyo (2008-2017), and rector of Saint Thomas Aquinas Major Seminary in Nairobi (2017-2023). He is currently vicar general of Eldoret.


Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Santiago de Guatemala, Guatemala

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Eddy René Calvillo Díaz, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Santiago de Guatemala, Guatemala, parish priest of Nuestra Señora de Fátima, as auxiliary bishop of the same archdiocese, assigning him the titular see of Carmeiano.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Eddy René Calvillo was born on 13 July 1970 in Guatemala City. He obtained a licentiate in economics from the Universidad Rafael Landívar, and after some work experience, entered the national major seminary in 1992, where he carried out his studies in philosophy and theology.

He was ordained a priest on 20 August 1999.

After ordination, he first served as deputy parish priest of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (1999-2002) and of Nuestra Señora de Montserrat (2002). He studied canon law at the Pontifical Gregorian University, Rome (2002-2004), and went on to hold the offices of deputy parish priest of Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe (2004-2005), parish priest of Nuestra Señora de la Asunción (2005-2007), parish priest of Cristo Rey (2007-2014), and parish priest of Santísimo Nombre de Jesús (2015-2018). Since 2010 he has been chancellor of the archdiocesan Curia of Santiago de Guatemala and, since 2018, parish priest of Nuestra Señora de Fátima.