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Resignations and Appointments, 18.11.2023

Resignation and appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Foggia-Bovino, Italy

Resignation and appointment of bishop of Mossoró, Brazil

Appointment of bishop of Jataí, Brazil


Resignation and appointment of metropolitan archbishop of Foggia-Bovino, Italy

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the metropolitan archdiocese of Foggia-Bovino, Italy, presented by Archbishop Vincenzo Pelvi.

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Giorgio Ferretti, of the clergy of the diocese of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, currently fidei donum in Mozambique, as metropolitan archbishop of Foggia-Bovino, Italy.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Giorgio Ferretti was born in Genoa, in the archdiocese of the same name, on 27 November 1967. He graduated in philosophy from the University of Genoa, and after some experience as a religion teacher in Genoa, he was awarded a licentiate in dogmatic theology from the Pontifical Urbanian University of Rome.

He was ordained a priest on 6 November 2004 for the diocese of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino, and is a member of the Missionary Priestly Fraternity of Sant’Egidio.

He has held the following offices: pastoral collaborator in the Basilica of Santa Maria in Trastevere in Rome (2004-2008); head of relations with South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Botswana for the Sant’Egidio Community (since 2005); special secretary to the bishop of Frosinone-Veroli-Ferentino (2008-2016); director of the Office for Ecumenism and Interreligious Dialogue of the same diocese and member of the diocesan Pastoral Council (2009-2016); assistant to the Association of Catholic Physicians of the province of Frosinone (2010-2016); assistant to the Association of Scouts of Europe (2012-2016); member of the Ethical Committee of the Frosinone Health Authority (2013-2015); priest in solidum of the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, Ss. Annunziata and San Benedetto in Frosinone (2013-2016); and head of the diocesan soup kitchen for the poor (2014-2016).

Since 2017 he has been a fidei donum priest in the archdiocese of Maputo, in the Republic of Mozambique, parish priest of the Catedral Metropolitana de Nossa Senhora da Conceição and member of the Presbyteral Council.


Resignation and appointment of bishop of Mossoró, Brazil

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Mossoró, Brazil, presented by Bishop Mariano Manzana.

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Francisco de Sales Alencar Batista, O.Carm., as bishop of the diocese of Mossoró, Brazil, transferring him from the see of Cajazeiras.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Francisco de Sales Alencar Batista, O.Carm., was born on 17 April 1968 in Araripina, diocese of Salgueiro, in the State of Pernambuco. He carried out his studies in philosophy at the Salesian Institute of Philosophy (INSAF) in Olinda-PE and in theology at the Milltown of Theology and Philosophy in Dublin, Ireland. He was awarded a licentiate in spiritual theology from the Pontifical Theological Faculty and Pontifical Institute of Spirituality “Teresianum” in Rome.

He gave his religious vows in the Order of Carmelite Friars on 24 January 1988, and was ordaind a priest on 29 November 1995.

He has held the following offices: formator of philosophy students; counsellor and then provincial prior of the Carmelite Province of Pernambuco; vice-prior of the Community of the Sant’Alberto International Centre in Rome; secretary general in Rome; rector of the Basílica de Nossa Senhora do Carmo in Recife-PE, and parish priest.

On 8 June 2016 he was appointed bishop of Cajazeiras, and received episcopal ordination on the following 14 August.

He has served as secretary and is currently president of the Regional Nordeste 2 of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, which comprises the ecclesiastical circumscriptions of the States of Alagoas, Paraíba, Pernambuco and Rio Grande do Norte.


Appointment of bishop of Jataí, Brazil

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Fr. Joaquim Carlos Carvalho, O.S.B., until now diocesan administrator of the same diocese, as bishop of Jataí, Brazil.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Joaquim Carlos Carvalho, O.S.B., was born on 20 July 1954 in Mineiros, diocese of Jatai2, in the State of Goiás. He carried out his studies in philosophy at the Faculdade Nossa Senhora Medianeira in São Paulo-SP and in theology at the Instituto Teológico São Paulo-ITESP in São Paulo-SP.

He gave his religious vows in the Order of Saint Benedict on 11 February 1979, and was ordained a priest on 2 February 1982.

After ordination, he first served as deputy prior, prior, master of novices, director of formation, bursar and president of the civil body within the Benedictine Monastery of Mineiros-GO. He then completed a course in psycholgy at the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de Goiás in Goiânia-GO (1992), and went on to serve as parish priest of Divino Espírito Santo in Mineiros-GO, parish vicar, member of the Presbyteral Council, the College of Consultors and the Economic Board, director of the college and teacher of philosophy and other disciplines in the field of psychology, vicar general and currently diocesan administrator of Jataí.
