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Announcement regarding the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery, 13.11.2023

Saint John Paul II, with his Brief “The contemplative life” of 25 March 1994, canonically instituted in Vatican City a monastery for nuns of the contemplative life, entitled “Mater Ecclesiae”.

After the death of Benedict XVI, who wished to reside there in order to spend the last years of his life accompanying the Church with prayer, the Holy Father Francis, by the handwritten letter of 1 October this year, disposed that the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery resume its original purpose: that the contemplative orders support the Holy Father in his daily care for the entire Church, through the ministry of prayer, adoration, praise and reparation, as a prayerful presence in silence and solitude.

To this end, Pope Francis convoked the Nuns of the Benedictine Order of the Abbey of Saint Scholastica of Victoria, province of Buenos Aires (diocese of San Isidro) in Argentina, who generously accepted the Holy Father’s invitation.

The six nuns who, according to the Statutes, will form the monastic community, will commence their life in the Monastery in early January.

Pope Francis has also decided that the Governorate of Vatican City State shall be responsible for all matters regarding the Mater Ecclesiae Monastery.
