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Conference for accredited journalists, entitled “Laudate Deum: voices and testimonies on the climate crisis”, 03.10.2023

On Thursday 5 October 2023, at 10.00, in Largo della Radio, adjacent to the Palazzina Leone XIII in the Vatican, a conference reserved to accredited journalists will be held, entitled “Laudate Deum: voices and testimonies on the climate crisis”.

The speakers will be:

- Giorgio Leonardo Renato Parisi, Nobel Laureate in Physics 2021;

- Vandana Shiva, scientist, activist and environmentalist (by remote link);

- Carlo Petrini, gastronomist, sociologist and activist (by remote link);

- Jonathan Safran Foer, writer;

- Luisa-Marie Neubauer, leader of “Fridays for Future” in Germany;

- Benoit Halgand, co-founder of the French youth organizations “Réveil Ecologique” and “Lutte et Contemplation”;

- Jubran Ali Mohammed Ali, young man from Libya;

- Ridhima Pandey, protagonist of the film “The Letter: A Message for our Earth” on Laudato si’ (by remote link);

- Alessandra Sarmentino, animator of the Progetto Policoro of the archdiocese of Palermo, animator of the Movimento Laudato si’ and associate of Catholic Action.

The conference will be livestreamed on the Vatican News YouTube channel, at: