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Sala Stampa

Courtesy Visits to the new Cardinals, 18.09.2023

On Saturday 30 September 2023, from 11.30 to 13.30, the courtesy visits to the new Eminent Cardinals will take place at the locations indicated in the Apostolic Palace.

Hall of Blessings

1. Cardinal Robert Francis PREVOST, O.S.A.
2. Cardinal Claudio GUGEROTTI
3. Cardinal Víctor Manuel FERNÁNDEZ
4. Cardinal Emil Paul TSCHERRIG
5. Cardinal Christophe PIERRE
6. Cardinal Pierbattista PIZZABALLA, O.F.M.
7. Cardinal Stephen BRISLIN
8. Cardinal Ángel Sixto ROSSI, S.I.
9. Cardinal Luis José RUEDA APARICIO
10. Cardinal Grzegorz RYŚ


Lapidary Gallery

1. Cardinal Stephen Ameyu Martin MULLA
2. Cardinal José COBO CANO
3. Cardinal Protase RUGAMBWA
4. Cardinal Sebastian FRANCIS
5. Cardinal Stephen CHOW SAU-YAN, S.I.
6. Cardinal François-Xavier BUSTILLO, O.F.M. Conv.
7. Cardinal Américo Manuel ALVES AGUIAR
8. Cardinal Ángel FERNÁNDEZ ARTIME, S.D.B.
9. Cardinal Agostino MARCHETTO
10. Cardinal Diego Rafael PADRÓN SÁNCHEZ

To access the Apostolic Palace, please use the Bronze Door entrance.

During the visit, please follow the itineraries indicated.

Vatican City, 18 September 2023

✠ Diego Ravelli
Titular Archbishop of Recanati
Master of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations
