Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

From the Eastern Churches, 24.05.2023

Election of archbishop of Diarbekir (Amida) of the Chaldeans, Türkiye

The Holy Father has granted his assent to the election, by the Synod of the Church of Baghdad of the Chaldeans, of the Reverend Sabri Anar, currently parish priest of the Chaldean community of Arnaouville, France, as archbishop of Dairbekir (Amida) of the Chaldeans, Türkiye.

Curriculum vitae

His Excellency Sabri Anar was born on 1 January 1966 in Uludere in Turkey. He studied in the minor seminary of the Franciscans in Istanbul and subsequently, in 1985, entered the Chaldean Patriarchal Seminary in Baghdad.

On 10 November 1990, he received priestly ordination in Paris, where he began his pastoral service for the Chaldean community of the region of Île de France. From 1990 to 2006 he was parish vicar of Saint Thomas Apôtre in Sarcelles, and subsequently parish priest of the same Church.

Since 2016 he has been responsible for the Church of Saint Jean Apôtre in Arnouville.

In 2017 he was appointed as chorbishop of the Chaldean Church. He was awarded a master’s degree in catechetics from the Institut Catholique de Paris.
