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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 01.03.2023

Appointment of bishop of San Severo, Italy

Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Maputo, Mozambique


Appointment of bishop of San Severo, Italy

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Msgr. Giuseppe Mengoli, of the clergy of the archdiocese of Otranto, vicar general and parish priest of Maria Santissima Immacolata in Maglie, as bishop of San Severo, Italy.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Giuseppe Mengoli was born on 16 March 1965 in Collepasso, province of Lecce and archdiocese of Otranto. He attended the diocesan seminary and the Regional Lyceum Seminary in Taranto; a student of the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary, he obtained a licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, and subsequently a doctorate from the Pontifical Lateran University.

He was ordained a priest on 1 July 1989 for the archdiocese of Otranto.

The most significant offices he has held are: deputy parish priest of Maria Santissima Annunziata in Otranto (1990-1992); teacher of religion and theology (1990-2004); archepiscopal chancellor (1991-1998); parish collaborator in Martano (1992-1998); spiritual father of the seminary (1992-1997); parish priest of the parish of Spirito Santo in Botrugno (1998-2010); member of the College of Consultors and the Pastoral and Presbyteral Councils; since 2010, parish priest of the parish of Maria Santissima Immacolata in Maglie and, since 2018, vicar general.


Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Maputo, Mozambique

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Tonito Francisco Xavier Muananoua, of the clergy of Guruè, until now vicar general and parish priest of the Cathedral of Santo António de Lisboa in Guruè, as auxiliary bishop of the metropolitan archdiocese of Maputo, Mozambique, assigning him the titular see of Esco.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Tonito Francisco Xavier Muananoua was born on 6 June 1972 in Invinha, in the diocese of Guruè. He attended the preparatory seminary of Quelimane and then continued his studies in the philosophical seminary of Matola, and the theological seminary of Maputo, obtaining a bachelor’s degree in theology.

He was ordained a priest on 13 October 2003 for the diocese of Guruè.

After ordination, he was first parish vicar of the Cathedral of Guruè (2003-2004 and 2019-2022) and formator at the Santo Agostinho Interdiocesan Preparatory Seminary in Quelimane (2005-2007). He then studied at the Pontifical Theological Faculty and the Pontifical Institute of Spirituality “Teresianum” in Rome, where he was awarded a licentiate in spiritual theology (2008-2010). He went on to serve as director of the diocesan secretariat for pastoral ministry (2010-2011); prefect of studies in the Saint Augustine Philosophical Seminary of Matola (2011-2012); rector of the Saint Augustine Philosophical Seminary of Matola and lecturer in the Saint Pius X National Theological Seminary (2013-2018); since 2019, chancellor of the diocese of Guruè, and since 2022, parish priest of the Cathedral of Santo António de Lisboa in Guruè and vicar general.
