Appointment of territorial abbot of Montecassino, Italy
The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Dom Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B., until now prior of the Monastery of the Santissima Trinità di Dumenza, as territorial abbot of Montecassino, Italy.
Curriculum vitae
The Reverend Dom Antonio Luca Fallica, O.S.B., was born on 27 June 1959 in Ripatransone, in the diocese of San Benedetto del Tronto-Ripatransone-Montalto, in the province of Ascoli Piceno.
After his studies in jurisprudence, in 1985 he entered the Monastery of Praglia, where he began his theological formation, later completed in Milan at the Theological Faculty of Northern Italy.
In 199, along with other brethren, he founded the monastic community of the Santissima Trinità , currently located in Dumenza, in the archdiocese of Milan. He gave his solemn monastic vows in this community on 5 January 1996. After serving as cellarer, he was elected prior of the community on 29 October 2010, a role he held until 2 December 2022.