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Sala Stampa

Transitory provisions relating to the Chapter of Saint Peter in the Vatican, 28.08.2021

In order to facilitate the initiation of the reform of the Chapter of Saint Peter in the Vatican, whose Statutes are being revised, for one year:

1. The Chapter of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican consists of a college of priests appointed by the Holy Father as canons, who:

a. provide liturgical and pastoral service to Saint Peter's Basilica;

b. receive a capitular emolument that cannot be accumulated with other commissions or other remuneration for services rendered in the Roman Curia and in other institutions connected with the Holy See.

2. The coadjutors of the Chapter are appointed by the Holy Father and provide their services in liturgical celebrations, in pastoral works and in other tasks that may be entrusted to them by the Archpriest together with the Chapter. The provisions of art. 1, b. also apply to the coadjutors.

3. The administration and management of the economic activities connected to the Treasury Museum and the sale of religious objects is entrusted to the Fabric of Saint Peter, which hires all the employees of the Chapter.

4. The Chapter conserves and administers the real estate and financial patrimony currently in existence, as well as the related annuities.

5. The emoluments of the Canons and Coadjutors in service are paid by the Fabric.

These norms enter into force on 1 October 2021.

Vatican City, 28 August 2021, Memorial of Saint Augustine, Bishop and Doctor of the Church.