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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 19.08.2021

Appointment of bishop of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, Italy

The Holy Father has appointed the Reverend Attilio Nostro, of the clergy of the diocese of Rome, until now parish priest of San Mattia, as bishop of Mileto-Nicotera-Tropea, Italy.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Attilio Nostro was born on 6 August 1966 in Palmi, province of Reggio Calabria and diocese of Oppido Mamertina-Palmi. He entered the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary and obtained a baccalaureate in philosophy and theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University and a licentiate in marriage and family studies from the Pontifical Lateran University.

He was ordained a priest on 2 May 1993 for the diocese of Rome.

He has held the following positions: parish vicar of Santa Maria delle Grazie al Trionfale (1993-1995) and of Gesù Divino Lavoratore (1995-2001); and parish priest of San Giuda Taddeo (2001-2014). From 2011 he served as prefect of the XIX Prefecture of the diocese of Rome for a four-year period. From 2014 until the present he has held the role of parish priest of San Mattia in Rome and teacher of Catholic religion at the Nomentano Scientific Lyceum.
