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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 30.07.2021

Appointment of ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed the distinguished Professor Chien-Jen Chen, lecturer in epidemiology at the Academia Sinica in Taipei, Taiwan, as ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Sciences.

Curriculum vitae

Professor Chien-Jen Chen was born on 6 June 1951 in Cishan, Taiwan. After studying at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan, he received his PhD in human genetics and epidemiology from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, United States of America. In the Government of the Republic of China, he has held the following public positions: Minister of Health (2003-2005); minister of the National Science Council (2006-2008); and vice President (2016-2020). Professor Chen has taught and conducted research in the fields of epidemiology, preventive medicine, public health and human genetics. He is currently an Academician of the Academia Sinica in Taipei, of which he was also vice President from 2011 to 2015.
