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Video Message of the Holy Father for the diocese of Mar del Plata, Argentina, 24.06.2021

The following is the video message sent by the Holy Father Francis to the diocese of Mar del Plata, Argentina:


Video Message of the Holy Father

I would like to greet in a special way the servants of the Noche de Caridad and of the Hogar de Nazareth of the diocese of Mar del Plata for their care for the homeless. Thank you very much for what you do! Especially, since Bishop Gabriel tells me, they have rented two hotels to provide more room for everyone in the harsh and wet winter on the coast of Mar del Plata. Thanks to all, lay people, pastors, benefactors of the Church and all sectors, for caring for Christ in the face of the poorest and most marginalised brothers and sisters. That is where Christ is. The poor are the centre of the Gospel. Thank you, thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you do!