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Resignations and Appointments, 05.02.2021

Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Benin

Appointment of the Holy See Permanent Observer at the Organisation of American States (O.A.S.)

Appointment of promotor of justice and judges of the Vatican City State Court of Appeal


Appointment of apostolic nuncio in Benin

The Holy Father has appointed Msgr. Mark Gerard Miles, nunciature counsellor, as apostolic nuncio in Benin, at the same time elevating him to the titular see of Città Ducale, with the dignity of archbishop.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Mark Gerard Miles was born on 13 May 1967 in Gibraltar, Great Britain.

He was ordained a priest on 14 September 1996, and incardinated in the diocese of Gibraltar.

He graduated in canon law and was awarded a licentiate in theology. He entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 1 July 2003, and served at the pontifical representations in Ecuador and Hungary and in the Section for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State.

On 31 August 2019 he was appointed as Holy See Permanent Observer at the Organisation of American States (O.A.S.).

He knows English, Italian, Spanish and French.


Appointment of the Holy See Permanent Observer at the Organisation of American States (O.A.S.)

The Holy Father has appointed Msgr. Juan Antonio Cruz Serrano, nunciature counsellor, as Holy See Permanent Observer at the Organisation of American States (O.A.S.).

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Juan Antonio Cruz Serrano was born on 29 September 1976 in María, province of Almería, Spain.

He was ordained a priest on 15 September 2001, and incardinated in the diocese of Almería.

He graduated in canon law.

He entered the diplomatic service of the Holy See on 1 July 2004, and served in the pontifical representations in Zimbabwe, Ireland, and Chile, and at the Section for General Affairs of the Secretariat of State.

He knows English, Italian, French and German.


Appointment of promotor of justice and judges of the Vatican City State Court of Appeal

The Holy Father has appointed the distinguished Dr. Catia Summaria as promotor of justice of the Vatican City State Court of Appeal, and Msgr. Francesco Viscome and the distinguished Dr. Massimo Massella Ducci Teri as judge of the same Court of Appeal.






