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Sala Stampa

Resignations and Appointments, 21.01.2021

Appointment of ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences

The Holy Father has appointed as ordinary member of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences the Distinguished Professor Rodrigo Guerra López, professor and researcher in the Division of Philosophy and member of the Consejo de Gobierno of the Centro de Investigacón Social Avanzada (CISAV) in Santiago de Querétaro, Mexico.

Curriculum vitae

Professor Rodrigo Guerra López was born in Mexico City in 1966. He graduated in philosophy from the Free Popular University of the State of Puebla, Mexico; he was then awarded a higher degree in university humanism from the Ibero-American University, Mexico, and a doctorate in philosophy from the International Academy of Philosophy of the Principality of Liechtenstein.

He has held the role of academic coordinator of the John Paul II Pontifical Institute in Mexico City, and has served as professor of metaphysics, bioethics and philosophy of law at the PanAmerican University, Mexico. In 2013 he held the Karol Wojtyla Memorial Lectures at the Catholic University of Lublin, Poland.

From 2004 to 2007 he directed the Observatorio Socio Pastoral of the Latin American Episcopal Council. In 2008 he founded the Centro de Investigación Social Avanzada (CISAV), of which he is professor-researcher of the Division of Philosophy and member of the Consejo de Gobierno.

He is a member of the theological commission of the Latin American Episcopal Council and of the Pontifical Academy for Life, and is the author of numerous publications in the field of anthropology, bioethics and social philosophy.
