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Resignations and Appointments, 09.01.2021

Resignation and appointment of bishop of Créteil, France

Appointment of auxiliary of the metropolitan archdiocese of Cuzco, Peru


Resignation and appointment of bishop of Créteil, France

The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Créteil, France, presented by Bishop Michel Santier.

The Holy Father has appointed Bishop Dominique Blanchet of Belfort-Montbéliard as bishop of Créteil.

Curriculum vitae

Bishop Dominique Blanchet was born on 15 February 1966 in Cholet (Département of Maine-et-Loire), in the diocese of Angers. After attending primary schools in Maulévrier and high school in Cholet, he carried out his university studies at the École Centrale de Paris, where he was awarded a master’s degree in mathematics and the title of engineer.

He entered the Angers seminary in 1992, where he had an experience with the Oblates of Mary Immaculate in 1994, and in 1995, he continued his ecclesiastical formation at the Séminaire international du Prado, where he obtained a licentiate in theology.

He received priestly ordination on 27 June 1999 for the diocese of Angers.

He is a member of the Prado Institute.

From 1999 to 2005 he collaborated with the parish of Doué-la-Fontaine and since 2000 of Martigné-Briand. From 2004 to 2010 he served as episcopal delegate for youth pastoral care. In 2005 he became parish priest in sodium of Chemillé, Saint-Lézin and Gardes; since 2006, vicar general, in 2008, diocesan administrator, and in 2009, moderator of the episcopal curia of Angers. In 2011 he was appointed as administrator of the parish of Chalonnes-sur-Loire and, in 2013, parish priest of Saint Lazare et Nicolas in Angers.

On 21 May 2015 he was appointed as bishop of Belfort-Montbéliard and received episcopal consecration the following 12 July.

Since 2019 he has served as vice president of the Bishops’ Conference of France.


Appointment of auxiliary of the metropolitan archdiocese of Cuzco, Peru

The Holy Father has appointed as titular bishop of Ausuccura and auxiliary of the metropolitan archdiocese of Cuzco, Peru, the Reverend Fr. Lizardo Estrada Herrera, O.S.A., until now episcopal vicar for consecrated life in the metropolitan archdiocese of Trujillo, and president of the Federation of Augustinians of the Vicariate of Peru.

Curriculum vitae

Msgr. Lizardo Estrada Herrera, O.S.A., was born on 23 September 1973 in the province of Cotabambas, metropolitan archdiocese of Cuzco. He studied at the San Martín School (1980-1985), and at the Collegio San Agustín of Cotabambas (1986-1990), and subsequently philosophy in the San Carlos y San Marcelo Seminary of the metropolitan  archdiocese of Trujillo (1997-2000).

He made his first vows in the Order of Saint Augustine on 16 May 1998 and made his solemn profession on 27 May 2001. He was ordained a priest on 7 August 2005.

He obtained a licentiate in moral theology at the Pontifical Alphonsian Academy, Rome (2001-2003) and studied pedagogy at the Instituto Juan Pablo II de Trujillo, Peru (2006-2007). In 2009 he obtained a licentiate in education from the Universidad Católica de Trujillo, Peru, and a doctorate in pastoral theology from the Universidad Pontificia de Medellín, Colombia (2009-2012). In 2020 he attended a postgraduate course in the social doctrine of the Church and social pastoral ministry at the Centro Bíblico Teológico Pastoral para América Latina y el Caribe of CELAM.

He has held various posts including: professor at the Instituto Superior Pedagógico de Tambobamba, Apurímac (2004-2005); parish vicar of Señor de la Exaltación in Chuquibambilla, bursar of the Augustinian Convent and professor of religion in the Colegio Túpac Amaru in Cuzco (2005-2006); professor of moral theology at the San Antonio Abad archdiocesan seminary in Cuzco (2006-2009); professor of philosophical ethics, formator of novices at the Augustinian Seminary Fray Diego Ortiz, parish vicar of Santa Rita de Casia and executive director of the Santa Rita Hospital in Cuzco (2006-2010); regional vicar as major superior of the Augustinian Fathers of the San Agustín de Apurímac vicariate (2013-2016); prior of the Augustinian Convent Fray Diego Ortiz and promoter and general director of the Colegio San Agustín de Hipona in Cuzco (2013-2017); member of the presbyteral council and college of consultors, and episcopal vicar for consecrated life of the metropolitan archdiocese of Cuzco (2015-2018); and parish priest of Santa Rita de Casia in Cuzco (2017-2018).

Until now he has served as episcopal vicar for consecrated life in the metropolitan archdiocese of Trujillo and president of the Federation of Augustinians of the Vicariates of Peru.
