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Sala Stampa

Press Release of the Congregation for Catholic Education, 24.09.2020

Together, to look beyond, through education

Resuming the initiatives of the “Global Compact on Education”: on 15 October 2020, a virtual meeting opened by a Message from Pope Francis

In May 2020 the Global Compact on Education should have taken place: the Pact promoted by Pope Francis to generate, through education, a change of mindset on a global scale.

The pandemic, which forced the event to be cancelled, made the Holy Father’s appeal even more pressing: it is necessary to unite efforts for our common home, so that education may be a creator of brotherhood, peace and justice.

For this reason, on 15 October 2020 at 2.30 pm (GMT+2), there will be a virtual meeting, open to all and live on the Vatican Media Youtube channel, during which a video message from Pope Francis will be broadcast, together with testimonies and international experiences, so as to look further with creativity.

The event is organised by the Congregation for Catholic Education, referred to by 216 thousand Catholic schools, attended by over 60 million pupils, and 1,750 Catholic universities, with over 11 million students.

More information can be found on the website

