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Sala Stampa

Calendar of the Holy Week Liturgical Celebrations presided at by the Holy Father Francis (update), 27.03.2020

As a result of the extraordinary situation that has arisen, due to the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, and taking into account the provisions provided by the Congregation of Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, with a decree dated 25 March 2020, it has become necessary to provide an update in relation to the upcoming Liturgical Celebrations presided over by the Holy Father Francis: with regard to both the Calendar and the methods of participation.

It is communicated, therefore, that the Holy Father will celebrate the Holy Week rites at the Altar of the Cathedra, in Saint Peter’s Basilica, in accordance with the following calendar and without the participation of the people:


5 Aprile 2020, 11.00

Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord

Commemoration of the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem and Holy Mass


9 April 2020, 11.00

Holy Thursday

Holy Mass of the Lord’s Supper


10 April 2020

Good Friday

18.00 Celebration of the Passion of the Lord

21.00 Via Crucis (on the parvis of Saint Peter’s Basilica)


11 April 2020. 21.00

Easter Sunday - Resurrection of the Lord

Easter vigil in the Holy Night


12 April 2020, 11.00

Easter Sunday - Resurrection of the Lord

Holy Mass of the day

At the end of Holy Mass, the Holy Father will impart the “Urbi et Orbi” blessing.
