Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Declaration of the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, 19.03.2020

As announced yesterday during the General Audience, this evening at 21.00 the Holy Father will join in, from Santa Marta, in the Rosary promoted by the Italian bishops, and will introduce the prayer with a message in which he invites every family, all the faithful, and every religious community to turn to the Lord so that He may guard every family in a special way, especially the sick and those who care for them: “This evening we pray united, entrusting ourselves to the intercession of Saint Joseph, Guardian of the Holy Family, Guardian of all our families. The carpenter of Nazareth also knew precariousness and bitterness, worry for tomorrow; but he knew how to walk through the darkness of certain moments, always letting himself be guided without reserve by God’s will”.