This morning the Holy Father received in audience:
- Members of the “Pro Petri Sede” Association;
- Prelates of the National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (Region SUL 2) on their “ad limina Apostolorum” visit:
- Archbishop Mauro Aparecido dos Santos of Cascavel;
- Bishop Sérgio de Deus Borges of Foz do Iguaçu;
- Bishop Edgar Xavier Ertl, S.A.C., of Palmas-Francisco Beltrão;
- Bishop João Carlos Seneme, C.S.S., of Toledo;
- Archbishop José Antõnio Peruzzo of Curitiba,
with the auxiliaries:
- Bishop Francisco Cota de Oliveira, titular of Fiorentino;
- Bishop Amilton Manoel da Silva, C.P., titular of Tusuro;
- Bishop Antõnio Wagner da Silva, C.S.I., titular of Guarapuava;
- Bishop Edmar Perón of Paranaguá;
- Bishop Sérgio Arthur Braschi of Ponta Grossa;
- Bishop Celso Antônio Marchiori of São José dos Pinhais;
- Bishop Walter Jorge Pinto of União da Vitória;
- Archbishop Geremia Steinmetz of Londrina;
- Bishop Carlos José de Oliveira of Apucarana;
- Bishop Manoel João Francisco of Cornélio Procópio;
- Bishop Antônio Braz Benevente of Jacarezinho;
- Bishop João Mamede Filho, O.F.M. Conv., of Umuarama, apostolic administrator “sede vacante” of Maringá,
with the emeritus of Maringá:
- Archbishop Anuar Battisti;
- Bishop Bruno Elizeu Versari of Mourão;
- Bishop Mário Spaki of Paranavaí;
- Archbishop Volodomer Koubetch, O.S.B.M., of São João Batista em Curitiba of the Ukrainians;
- Bishop Meron Mazur, O.S.B.M., of Imaculada Conceiçao em Prudentópolis of the Ukrainians.