Sala Stampa

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Sala Stampa

Notice, 23.01.2020

On Tuesday 28 January 2020, at 1l.30, in the Holy See Press Office, Via della Conciliazione 54, there will be a “Meeting Point” for journalists, to present the First International Congress on the pastoral care of the elderly, on the theme: “The richness of many years of life”, organized by the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. The Congress will be take place from 29 to 31 January 2020 in the “Augustinianum” Congress Centre in Rome.

The following will be available to the press:

- Sr. Terezinha Tortelli, Pastoral da Pessoa Idosa, National Conference of Bishops of Brazil, Brazil;

- Daniela Drei, Pope John XXIII Community Association, Italy;

- Fr. Josè Ignacio Figueroa, Vida Ascendente, Spain;

- Vittorio Scelzo, Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, Office for the pastoral care of the elderly.
