Resignation of bishop of Kaya, Burkina Faso, and appointment of successor
Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Maputo, Mozambique
Appointment of office head at the Secretariat for the Economy
Resignation of bishop of Kaya, Burkina Faso, and appointment of successor
The Holy Father has accepted the resignation from the pastoral care of the diocese of Kaya, Burkina Faso, presented by H.E. Msgr. Thomas Kaboré.
The Pope has appointed as bishop of Kaya, Burkina Faso, the Rev. Théophile Naré of the clergy of Koupela, former rector of the Saint Pierre Claver Interdiocesan Major Seminary of Koumi / Bobo-Dioulasso.
Rev. Théophile Naré
The Rev. Théophile Naré was born on 7 July 1966 in Yargo in the archdiocese of Koupéla. He studied philosophy and theology in the Saint Jean Baptiste Interdiocesan Major Seminary of Wayalghin, Ouagadougou, and in the Saint Pierre Claver Interdiocesan Major Seminary of Koumi (Bobo-Dioulasso), respectively. He was ordained a priest on 8 July 1995. He then obtained a licentiate in Sacred Scripture at the Biblicum in Rome and at the Ecole Biblique of Jerusalem, and a Certificate in Formation for Educators of the Clergy (Institut de formation pour Educateurs du Clergé à Paris, IFEC).
Since priestly ordination he has held the following offices: parish vicar of the Cathedral of Koupéla (1995-2000); studies in Rome, Jerusalem and Paris (2000-2005); parish administrator of the Cathedral of Koupéla (2005-2006); lecturer in exegesis in the Saint Jean Baptiste Major Seminary of Wayalghin (2006-2011); and rector and professor of exegesis in the Saint Pierre Claver theological seminary of Koumi (Bobo-Dioulasso) (2011-2018).
Appointment of auxiliary bishop of Maputo, Mozambique
The Holy Father has appointed as auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of Maputo, Mozambique, the Rev. António Juliasse Ferreira Sandramo of the clergy of Chimoio, currently parish priest of the Cathedral, assigning him the titular see of Arsennaria.
Rev. António Juliasse Ferreira Sandramo
The Rev. António Juliasse Ferreira Sandramo was born in Soalpo. Chimoio, in the province of Manica, on 20 March 1968. Following his primary and secondary studies in Soalpo, he attended the Good Shepherd Preparatory Seminary in Beira (1988-1989), the Saint Augustine Interdiocesan Philosophical Seminary of Matola (1990-1992) and the Saint Pius X Interdiocesan Theological Seminary of Maputo (1993-1996). He was ordained a priest on 28 June 1998 for the diocese of Chimoio.
After ordination he held the following offices: parish vicar of Nossa Senhora Rainha do Moudo in Dombe and Nossa Senhora das Reliquias in Sussundenga (1998-2002); coordinator of the diocesan commission for the liturgy (1998-2001); coordinator of the diocesan youth commission (2001-2003); parish administrator of São Pedro and São Paulo in Marera and director of the Multipurpose Centre; and co-founder of two non-profit associations: Kimatsirama - for the prevention and help of young people with HIV - and Cadeia de Solidariedade - for helping young people in situations of poverty and neglect.
From 2005 to 2009 he completed his studies in Portugal, obtaining a licentiate in dogmatic theology from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa, a licentiate in anthropology from the Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and a masters in African Studies from the Insituto Universitário de Lisboa.
From 2010 to 2014 he served as parish priest of São Paulo and São Jerônimo in Soalpo, and coordinator of diocesan pastoral care; and since 2010 as dean for diocesan priests of Chimoio. He is currently parish priest of the cathedral, episcopal vicar for the central area, member of the diocesan presbyteral council; secretary of the Episcopal Conference of the Episcopal Commission for Culture, and professor of Anthropology at the Catholic University of Mozambique.
Appointment of office head at the Secretariat for the Economy
The Pope has appointed as office head at the Secretariat for the Economy Dr. Francesco Nunzio, official of the same dicastery.